
1.3.2. RadianceIES Toolbar

 Show Tabular Space Data
This opens the Tabular Space Data dialogue which displays space information:
 Apache Construction Database Manager
This starts the Apache Construction Database Manager (APcdb) from where constructions with RadianceIES surface properties can be created or edited (see Section 5: Surface Properties tab)
 Set Location
This starts ApLocate, where the site location and simulation climate file can be set (see Introduction)
 Assign constructions
This starts the Assign Constructions dialogue. This option is also available in the Surface Properties tab
 Enable components
This option is also available in the Component Settings tab
 Enable Luminaires
This option is also available in the Luminaire Settings tab
 Switch daylight off
This option is also available in the Luminaire Settings tab
 Enable illuminance sensors
This option is also available in the Sensors Settings tab
 Place default sensors
This opens the sensor placement dialogue. This option is also available in the Sensors Settings tab
 Add new sensor
This option is also available in the Sensors Settings tab
 Remove highlighted sensor
This option is also available in the Sensors Settings tab
 Sensors for Apache (default)
This starts a sensor simulation for Apache (default). This can be also be done via the Sensors simulations option in the Simulate tab.
 Working plane – height and grid
This option is also available via the RadianceIES>Simulation Options menu or via the Simulate tab. It opens a dialogue box where these values can be set or changed.
 Maintenance factor
This option is also available via the RadianceIES>Simulation Options menu
 AOI shrinkage
This option is also available via the RadianceIES>Simulation Options menu
 Ground reflectance
This option is also available via the RadianceIES>Simulation Options menu
 Window frames
This option is also available via the RadianceIES>Simulation Options menu