
7. Luminaire Settings Tab

Luminaires are defined and placed in spaces using the LightPro or FlucsPro applications. For more information, please refer to the LightPro or FlucsPro user guides.
The Use Luminaires? checkbox is used to activate the use of luminaires in the simulation. If this is un-ticked, then only daylight will be simulated, even if luminaires have been placed in the space. If the Daylight Off? checkbox is ticked, electric lighting only will be simulated. If the Daylight Off? checkbox is unticked, electric lighting plus daylighting will be simulated. The options available in the Switching section allow you to switch all luminaires in the model on or off, or to switch all luminaires in a selected zone on or off. A list of all luminaires placed in the selected space will be displayed, and individual components can be switched on or off using the On/Off buttons.
The luminaires are also shown in the model view. The Summary button generates a window detailing what luminaires are defined in the model and the status of each luminaire.
A Luminance simulation image, with combined daylighting and luminaires to reduce glare.