
Zone Data

What is Zone Data?
When Display Mode on the model toolbar is set to HVAC Zones (see ModelIT user guide, sections 2.6 and 8.11) HVAC zones, rather than spaces, will be selected on the canvas or the browser. In this mode, clicking on the Query button or the Tabular Space Data button displays attributes of the selected HVAC zone or zones.
Zone Data displays attributes of the zone, which in the main correspond one-to-one with attributes of the zone’s rooms (exceptions to this rule being Zone Name and Master Room). Zone Data is only applicable to zones with ApHVAC methodology.
Viewing and editing Zone Data for a single zone
To view or edit Space Data for a single zone, first ensure the Display mode on the model toolbar is set to HVAC Zones, then select the zone using the model workspace or model browser. Click on the Query tool button on the Edit toolbar or select Query from the Edit menu. The Zone Data dialog then opens.
The Zone Data dialog displays the following fields.
Zone Name
The name of the zone. (Editable.)
HVAC Methodology
The HVAC Methodology for all rooms in the zone. (Not editable here.)
The setting for the Conditioned room parameter for all rooms in the zone. (Not editable here.)
Master room
The room in the zone which is available for use as the basis for HVAC control. (Selectable.)
Conditions in this room (as sensed by ApacheHVAC control sensors placed in the zone’s air outflow) may be used to control conditions in all rooms in the zone. The master room for each HVAC zone is identified with a red ‘M’ on the browser.
Return Air plenum
The Return Air Plenum (established or provisional) associated with the HVAC zone. If all the zone’s rooms have the same RAP, this RAP is designated the zone’s established RAP, and marked with the label ‘Established’. If the rooms have different associated RAPs, one of them is designated the zone’s provisional RAP, and marked with the label ‘Provisional’. In this case a different provisional RAP may be assigned using the drop-down. If none of the zone’s rooms has an associated RAP a dash is displayed.
Supply Air Plenum
The Supply Air Plenum (established or provisional) associated with the HVAC zone. The rules applying to this setting follow the pattern described above for RAPs.
Heating operation profile
The profile governing heating availability during loads analyses. (Editable, with edits applied to all the zone’s rooms, subject to the caveat that edits here or in Space Data will not affect settings in the HVAC system; to ensure consistency use the Update Profiles button in the ApacheHVAC System Schedules and Setpoints dialog.)
Heating setpoint
The heating setpoint used in loads analyses, and transferable to the HVAC system using facilities in the ApacheHVAC System Parameters dialog. (Editable, with edits applied to all the zone’s rooms.)
Cooling operation profile
The profile governing cooling availability during loads analyses. (Editable, with edits applied to all the zone’s rooms, subject to the caveat that edits here or in Space Data will not affect settings in the HVAC system; to ensure consistency use the Update Profiles button in the ApacheHVAC System Schedules and Setpoints dialog.)
Cooling setpoint
The cooling setpoint used in loads analyses, and transferable to the HVAC system using facilities in the ApacheHVAC System Parameters dialog. (Editable, with edits applied to all the zone’s rooms.)
Temperature offset relative (+/-) to setpoint for room heating load calc
The air temperature to be assumed in the zone’s associated RA plenum during room heating load analyses, expressed as an offset relative to the air temperature in the plenum’s primary associated room.
Temperature offset relative (+/-) to setpoint for room cooling load calc
The air temperature to be assumed in the zone’s associated RA plenum during room cooling load analyses, expressed as an offset relative to the air temperature in the plenum’s primary associated room.
Editing Zone Data in Tabular Format
To edit Zone Data in tabular format, first select the spaces by clicking in the model workspace or model browser (first ensuring that Display Mode on the model toolbar is set to HVAC Zones). Then click on the Tabular Space Data icon on the Edit toolbar.
The Tabular Zone Data dialog displays Zone Data for each selected space in a separate row of a table. Edits are applied to the subset of zones which are selected in the column of tick boxes on the left of the dialog.