
Editing Space Data in Tabular Format

To edit Space Data in tabular format, first select the spaces by clicking in the model workspace or model browser (first ensuring that Display Mode on the model toolbar is set to Model). Then click on the Tabular Space Data icon on the Edit toolbar.
The Tabular Space Data dialog displays Space Data for each selected space in a separate row of a table. Tabs at the bottom of the dialog correspond to the tabs on the Space Data dialog and control the data displayed. Edits are applied to the subset of spaces which are selected in the column of tick boxes on the left of the dialog.

Assigning a thermal template to a space or a set of spaces

Space Thermal Templates are created and edited in the Template Manager (accessed from the Templates menu on the VE toolbar). A Space Thermal Template contains a complete set of Space Data that can be applied to a space or a set of spaces in a single operation.
To assign a Space Thermal Template to a set of spaces, first select the spaces by clicking in the model workspace or model browser.
Next click on ‘Assign Space Thermal Template to selection set’ on the edit toolbar, select a Space Thermal Template from the list-box and click on OK. This will assign the Space Thermal Template to the selection set.
Spaces must be assigned templates that match their space sub-type (Room, Void, Return Air Plenum or Supply Air Plenum). Attempts to assign a template to a space of a non- matching sub-type will result in no assignment.
The template assigned to a room sets the room’s values for the parameters HVAC Methodology and (where applicable) Conditioned. Unlike other template parameters, these parameters may not be overridden in the room.
Note that if you edit the Space Thermal Template data in the Template Manager, your edits will immediately and automatically be applied to any spaces that use that template, without you having to reassign the template.