
What is ConstructDXF

What is ConstructDXF?
ConstructDXF is used to produce data for IES’s thermal, shading analysis, lighting and building design appraisal software by scanning ordinary DXF drawings of building plan layouts, and generating a 3D building data model, within the ModelIT environment. ConstructDXF simplifies and accelerates the preparation of data for a wide range of building design studies including thermal design, shadow modelling, dynamic thermal simulation, multi-zone airflow analyses and electric lighting/daylighting studies.
ConstructDXF is run from within ModelIT (IES’s 3D modelling tool). The two programs together provide the user with a comprehensive set of tools to allow the generation of a full three-dimensional spatial building model and associated non-graphical attribute data from DXF format drawings. The familiar Windows style interface is used to provide dialogue box data entry for information unobtainable from the drawing file(s), such as storey, window and door heights, element constructions, building and room default attributes, and for the subsequent editing of room and room element data.
The data model can be generated from DXF drawings containing any conventional drawing element (arcs, shapes, cells, B-splines, etc.). No special elements or attributes are required.  In addition to single floor plans, ConstructDXF will cater for several buildings on one site, multi-storey buildings, and buildings that bifurcate as they rise up.
Once the 3D model has been created by ConstructDXF, geometric (and attribute) modifications or additions can be made to the model if required using the standard ModelIT facilities. Likewise, models created using ModelIT can be built further using ConstructDXF (if, for example, you wish to generate an additional storey from a DXF drawing).
The information from the data model generated by ConstructDXF is used to generate files for IES’s thermal analysis, shadow analysis, airflow or lighting software. (Refer to the IES User Guides).
Results from the calculation software are read back into ModelIT and if required, these results can be viewed within the ModelIT environment.
Additionally, luminaires can be placed and modified in the 3D model either directly by the user (for subsequent point-by-point analysis by the lighting calculation software) or as a result of performing a lighting design with the lighting software.
Before Using ConstructDXF
You should have a reasonable level of familiarity with the Windows operating system in terms of the basic conventions such as window operations (dragging, resizing, etc.), dialogue boxes, toolbars, file selection etc. If you don’t, please consult your system manager before attempting to use ConstructDXF.
You should also be familiar with ModelIT, as ConstructDXF operates within the ModelIT environment. For detailed information on ModelIT, e.g. menu items, toolbars and tool button functions and how to modify the model, please refer to the ModelIT Section of this Help Site. Please contact IES if you require training in ModelIT.
Conventions Used in this Section
Pressing the left mouse (or data point) button.
Clicking on an element or item so that it is highlighted. It should be noted that after performing certain operations on a 3D model that has been built (such as adding an opening), you must first click on the Select Object tool button in the View tool bar before you can select an element.
An option may have a check box next to it. To enable the option, check the box, i.e. click in the box so that a tick or cross appears in it. Clicking in the box again to remove the tick or cross is known as unchecking.