
User Preferences

This allows you to select some start-up options.
General Preferences
·       Load most recent file: When checked this will force the VE to load the project that was open when the software was last closed.  See section 3.2 for more detail.
·       Show License information: This shows you what modules you have active in relation to your software keys.  Each module you have purchased keys for will have a tick in the box indicating it is active.
·       Show License control: This is for use when you are running network license keys to allow you to assess how many are in use and also who is using them.
Auto-highlighting preferences
·       This changes the layer colour of a room to pink when you hover over it with the cursor.  It is best utilised in the axonometric view when a model is very busy to allow you determine if you are going to select the required room.
Zoom direction preferences
·       This option allows you to determine the set up for the scroll wheel on your mouse so that when you zoom in and out when in the model space or in the model viewer it goes in the direction you wish.
Model Viewer Settings
The model view has some basic general user preferences. To access these go to the Tools>preferences> and select the Model Viewer Settings tab.
Basic Settings
·       Size allows you to select whether to view the Model in “Normal”, “Full size” or “Docked” mode when the model viewer window opens up.
·       Include Components at model level will allow you to view any components that have been place in your model from the component library.
(NB components place in a model are mainly used for lighting projects and will have no thermal impact on a model.)
·       Include inner Surfaces at Body level feature
·       Smooth edges option refers to how the rooms render when in the model viewer.
·         Texture rendering tick box allows you to choose if you want the option of textures when in the model viewer. (For more information please refer to the modelIT user guide section 5 – Model viewer)
Interactive Rendering Mode
This option refers to how the software renders the model when using the cameras in the mode viewer.
·       High Full - interactive rendering mode
·       Medium – Wireframe mode persists for low frame rates
·       Low – Wireframe mode persists during interaction
·       Always show controls: if you choose to have this option on, when you open the model viewer there will be a graphical user interface (GUI) displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the viewer window which will show the controls of the cameras.  This can be toggled on and off using the F2 function.
·       Invert Y axis:  This option refers to when using the first person cameras.  When you push up with the mouse it goes up, but if you invert this it will go down when you push up.