
Updating the EPC

Once the improvement works have been completed on the building, a new EPC must be generated that reflects the improvements – this cannot be done directly within the alternative scenario (as it is only active when the Section 63 simulation mode is selected). Instead, the scenario should be exported as a new project and the EPC generated using that project:
1.       With the scenario active, select Export “<scenario name>”… item from the Scenario dropdown menu. Enter a suitable name and location for the exported project (do not attempt to replace the original source project) and ensure that the Open project after exporting option is ticked, then click OK.
2.       Once the exported project has opened in the VE, select VE Compliance from the Applications list.
3.       If the Section 6 (2015) - Scotland regulation is not active, select it from the Regs dropdown on the toolbar. Likewise, select ApacheSim – EPC from the simulation modes dropdown if it is not already active.
4.       Examine the model set-up to confirm it includes the relevant alternative measures that were implemented in the building (as well as the selected prescriptive measures).
5.       In Building & System Data, ensure that the assessor and building inspection date are correct – do not change any other data.
6.       Generate the EPC as normal. Once completed, the updated EPC can be lodged on the Scottish EPC Register.