
Toggle Rooms

Toggle all Room names visibility
Selection of this menu item toggles the display of the room names on and off:
Toggle View of Shading Surfaces Only
Select this option to display or hide all shading surfaces on the analytical model
Toggle VE Model shading
The <Virtual Environment> has a convention to describe zones that will be modelled as thermal zones, and surfaces that will be modelled as shading surfaces. Thermal zones are enclosed volumes, traditionally coloured blue in the <Virtual Environment>. Shaded surfaces are non-enclosed volumes, or single surfaces, traditionally coloured yellow in the <Virtual Environment> To be able to identify these entities in SketchUp the Toggle VE Model shading menu shows the SketchUp Model in the traditional colours of a VE Model:
The blue zones are thermal zones; these will be included in the energy calculations; the yellow zones are shading elements (obstructions). The two types shown on this drawing are the parapet walls and the adjacent building. The parapet is created as a single surface, the adjacent building has no floor (shown below):