
System Modeling Fundamentals

The speed, efficiency, and effectiveness with which an ApacheHVAC system can be set and all thermal zones assigned to it is significantly dependent upon the extent to which the model has been appropriately organized prior to doing so. Therefore, it is important to complete the following in ModelIt, before attempting to assign rooms or zones to an ApacheHVAC system:
Efficient workflow
The following are recommended whenever starting a complex project, testing custom configurations and controls, exploring ApacheHVAC capabilities, or experimenting with HVAC strategies for a large project:
1.       Start with a small model that represents what you’re exploring is the simplest terms, then save to a new name just before trying something new so that the experiment can be discarded and started over again without significant loss of investment. Many iterations with smaller models can often be more instructive and rewarding than just a few iterations with a larger model. 
2.       Use short simulation runs of one to three select days (very hot, very cold, should season, etc.) to explore new configurations of models and systems prior to running full annual simulations. This facilitates rapid and efficient cycles of experimentation and learning.
3.       When setting up the model of the full project, combine separate rooms into thermal zones within ModelIt to the extent feasible, given the diversity of space uses, solar exposures, other loads, and the required resolution of results. All actual internal partitions should be retained. In most cases, there should be no fewer thermal zones than there will be actual thermostats in the building; however, if numerous zones are truly identical with respect to internal gains, constructions, fenestration, façade orientation, solar exposure (e.g., when local or roof shading is the same and there are no adjacent buildings), then these zones might best be further combined as “thermal blocks” (composite “rooms” in ModelIT). Again, all internal partitions should be retained.
4.       If already underway with a large model and you need to test a new HVAC system configuration or controls—especially if this is a custom configuration—testing first with a small subset of the model and, again, over a short simulation period, saves time. It will provide short simulation runs and thus quick feedback for confirming and/or trouble-shooting the intended system operation.
Test simulation runs can be performed for just a few notably important or representative spaces in the model with all other zones and multiplex layers temporarily removed from the system. This significantly reduces simulation run times and bounds the experiment, improving the ease of initial analyses and detection of input and configuration errors. This can be valuable when attempting adjusted, new, complex, or innovative configurations and control strategies.
To test a new system with a simulation run for just a portion of the model, place the thermal zones that will best represent the test case—e.g., all zones on one particular HVAC air handler that is to be uniquely controlled—on a designated layer within Model-It. Then, within Model-It Layer Properties, set all other populated model layers to OFF (inactive). If there are other systems or networks in the same HVAC system file, save a copy of the file to a new name and remove all but the airside system network required for the experiment. Similarly, if a test is to be performed for just a few zones on a large system with many zones, save the HVAC file to a new name and remove all inactive zones and associated multiplex layers from the test system (the simulation will not run if there are ApacheHVAC systems referring to rooms or zone on inactive model layers).
When refinements and/or corrections to the new system and controls have been competed in this simplified context, re-introduce other building zones, systems, etc., and perform additional short simulation runs to test and refine this complete model. Finally, perform longer runs to generate needed whole-building annual results and so forth.
Constructing Airside System Networks
Airside system networks are constructed by picking components from the toolbars. Airside components take the form of ‘tiles’ that are placed on the canvas to build up a schematic of the airside system. Controllers can also be drawn, together with lines indicating the associated sensor and control points. Certain components, such as plant equipment, do not appear on the schematic, but are instead linked to other components via text references.
Each component has a set of parameters characterizing its operation. Facilities for editing these parameters are accessed by double-clicking on the component or through the menus. Once placed, groups of components may be selected, deleted, moved, or copied using functions on the toolbar. Every closed loop that can be traced in the HVAC airside network must pass through at least one room that is assigned to a space in the model.
Multiplexing, described in section 6, provides an efficient means of assigning groups of spaces to a set of room components and of replicating and editing HVAC components, controllers, and configurations thereof. The associated Tabular Edit view supports efficiently editing and checking numerous inputs for components and controllers.
When drawing HVAC airside schematics, it is helpful to keep in mind the following principles:
Details of all equipment to be included in the simulation are entered in ApacheHVAC. The extent of data input depends on the scope of the simulation, which is at the discretion of the user. For instance if it is required to calculate the net energy consumption of a low-temperature hot water (LTHW) heating coil, it will be necessary to specify a coil and a heat source to serve it. However, it will not be necessary to input the characteristics of the LTHW system. In such a case, the distribution losses of the LTHW system and pump power should be entered as zero and the heat source efficiency taken as 100%.
Note that the capacity (duty) of equipment for simulation can be set as the components are placed or can be provided by the autosizing process. In many cases, it is necessary to specify or autosize the system to provide a capacity that equals or exceeds any requirement subsequently called for; however, the hot and chilled water loops and the advanced heating and cooling coils are capable of accurately representing system performance when heating or cooling plant equipment are undersized (whether the undersizing is intentional or otherwise). This can be useful for modeling systems intentionally designed to be heavily dependent on mixed-mode operation with natural ventilation, waterside economizer operation, lake or well-water heat exchange, solar hot water systems, or to directly address all but transient peak loads, leaving the transients to be mitigated by the effects of thermal mass or similar passive strategies. The simulation can provide evidence of energy saving benefits, consistency of thermal comfort, and system performance and the effectiveness of design and control strategies under challenging conditions.
Network drawing tool
The “Pencil” icon  on the lower toolbar can be used to enter a network drawing mode, shown by the cursor changing to a pencil. While in this mode, all of the simple connectors, elbows, and junctions of a network can be quickly drawn by a minimal number of successive mouse clicks.
An airflow path is initiated by clicking either in a blank cell or on an existing network component. In the case of the latter, the path may continue from any free connection of that component.
The behaviors of different types of mouse click, during the drawing of a path, are listed below.
At any time, up to 10 previous segments of the path can be undone using Ctrl-Z, or Undo on Edit menu.
There are three ways to exit the drawing mode: Right click on canvas; Esc key; click another toolbar icon.
Room components
There are a number of important points to note with regard to the arrangement of room components in the air system and the specification of supply airflow rates:
Direct acting units, radiators, and chilled ceilings can be added to spaces for heating and/or cooling purposes.  Room units can be added to spaces contained within HVAC zones as well as directly to spaces in an un-zoned model.  It is recommended that users work with Room components within ApHVAC, instead of Zone components, when large numbers of room units are to be implemented as editing of the units will be quicker and more efficient.
Zone components
ApacheHVAC users have the option to work with Zone components in order to gain access to associated features, or to work with Room components as in VE 2016 and other earlier versions of the software.
Settings in the ApacheHVAC Preferences dialog and the HVAC System Library Import dialog determine whether prototype systems will be loaded with Zones or Rooms and whether the Zone/Room placement tool will default to placing a Zone or Room component on the canvas.
When working with Zones, assignment of model spaces is by Zone or Zone Group. The group can be all zones on a system or any subset therefore, as might be desired for maintaining separate sub-groups within the Zone Groups. 
Figure 2 - 1 : The default preference in ApacheHVAC is to load Prototype systems with Zone components.  A radio button within the dialog allows users to load networks with Room components instead.  A setting in the ApacheHVAC Preferences dialog allows users to change the default preference of the software.
Figure 2 - 2 : Any Room Component on the network canvas can be converted to a Zone Components, or vice versa.
Direct acting units, radiators, and chilled ceilings can be added to spaces for heating and/or cooling purposes.  Room units can be added to spaces contained within HVAC zones as well as directly to spaces in an un-zoned model.  It is recommended that users work with Room components within ApHVAC, instead of Zone components, when large numbers of room units are to be implemented as editing of the units will be quicker and more efficient.
The air inlet of any Zone can be converted to a Dual-Inlet, with designated inlets for Ventilation and Space Conditioning. This is necessary for a system wherein Ventilation air is meant to be delivered separately to Rooms within multi-room HVAC Zones.* For example, in a dedicated outside-air system with ventilation air diffusers in each room and separately supplied airflow from zone-level fan-coil units, the apportioning of ventilation air and air for space conditioning needs to be separately determined.
Whereas distribution of air among rooms within a zone for space conditioning is by default according to the relative load in each space, the default basis for the distribution of Ventilation air among Rooms in a Dual-Inlet Zone is according to the relative floor area of the rooms.
*This is not needed when the space conditioning is at the Room level (as if there were a fan-coil unit in each room), as the rooms in that case would each need to be a separate zone with its own thermostat (i.e., air would not be distributed among rooms within a zone, as there would be just one room in each zone).
Figure 2 - 3 : A dual-inlet zone component is used when an HVAC Zone comprises rooms with Ventilation separately delivered to each room, and therefore this needs to be apportioned separately from the airflow for space conditioning.