
Standard Input/Output Reports

A variety of input and output reports are available to review the compliance analysis. These reports are described below.
Basic Output Results
At the completion of the analysis, the Basic Output Results screen (Figure 1) shows the energy use summary for the building and each end-use in terms of Site energy (by fuel type) and kTDV. This output screen also reports a summary of unmet load hours, a compliance margin for each end-use and the whole building, and an indication of whether the building passes or fails the compliance analysis.
Figure 1 - Basic Output Results
An energy use summary can be displayed by pressing the Summary button, as seen in Figure 2 below
Figure 2 – Energy Use Summary
Unmet Load Hours
A warning message will pop up at the end of the simulation if any thermal zone in the building has more than 150 cooling or heating unmet load hours. In IES VE Title 24, thermal zones in the proposed model exceeding unmet load hour limits will not terminate compliance analysis but will generate a warning, and will be included in a new table on the compliance report.
The unmet load hours both for the proposed and for the standard models can be accessed via the unmet load hours button.
Figure 3 – Unmet Load Hours
Certificate of Compliance Report
IES VE Title24 module produces the Certificate of Compliance for the Nonresidential Performance Compliance Method, NRCC-PRF-01-E. Refer to section 8 for a detailed description of the report. A sample report generated by the software is attached in the ANNEX.
Analysis Results XML File
Additionally, a full summary of all building inputs and outputs used in the compliance analysis are generated during the analysis. This data is captured in an XML file called:
<project file name> - Analysis Results.XML
The AnalysisResults XML file is saved in the same folder location as the project .mit file.
The AnalysisResults XML file contains data for each model used in the analysis:
1.          The Original User Model
2.          The Proposed Design Model
3.          The Standard Design Model
Figure 4 below shows the organization of the XML file containing details for each of the three analysis models.
Figure 4 - AnalysisResults.XML: Three Analysis Models
Figure 5 shows an example of the analysis output results for the Proposed Model. The EUseSummary tag contains annual TDV energy results for each end use (which are reported in the Basic Output Results screen shown in Figure 1). The EnergyUse tag shows a detailed energy consumption summary for each building end-use. The data includes total TDV energy consumption, total site energy consumption, and a breakdown of TDV and site energy by each fuel type for that end use.
Figure 5 - Analysis Output Results for each End Use
Additionally, full reports of all building inputs for each analysis model are echoed in the AnalysisResults XML file. The organization of the input data follows the Standards Data Dictionary (SDD) data model structure. Figure 6 illustrates the XML format of the Building data.
Figure 6 - Echo of All Building Inputs in the AnalysisResults XML File
Log File
A log file is associated with every IES VE project. It is located in the same folder as the project .mit file and is named: <project name>.log. The log file contains a history of when the project was opened and saved, when an analysis was performed, and any errors or warnings that occurred during an analysis. To view or edit a log file, in the Title 24 Analysis tab at the bottom of the screen, click the “Open log file” button (Figure 7).
Figure 7 – Open Log File Button
Error Reporting
IES VE provides error messages if the compliance analysis fails. Each error message has a numerical code listed below.
1.       pszBEMBasePathFile doesn't exist
2.       pszRulesetPathFile doesn't
3.       pszSimWeatherPath doesn't
4.       pszDHWDLLPath specified, but doesn't
5.       Invalid project log file name (too long)
6.       Error writing to project log
7.       Building model input/project file not found
8.       Error reading/initializing model input/project file
9.       Errors encountered evaluating input model defaulting rules
10.   Errors encountered evaluating input model defaulting rules (multiple times)
11.   Error(s) encountered performing required data & numeric range checks
12.   Error(s) encountered checking input model for simulation compatibility
13.   Error(s) encountered checking input model for code requirements
14.   Error encountered initializing weather file locations and/or names
15.   Error creating or accessing the analysis processing directory
16.   Error generating Proposed Sizing model
17.   Error generating Proposed (final) model
18.   Error generating Standard Sizing model
19.   Error generating Standard (final) model
20.   Error initializing Standard Sizing model
21.   Error initializing Standard (final) model
22.   Analysis aborted - user chose not to overwrite SDD XML file
23.   Error: Unable to write SDD XML file
24.   Error(s) encountered simulating Proposed model
25.   Error(s) encountered simulating Standard Sizing model
26.   Error(s) encountered simulating Standard (final) model
27.   Error(s) encountered retrieving Proposed model simulation results
28.   Error(s) encountered retrieving Standard Sizing model simulation results
29.   Error(s) encountered retrieving Standard (final) model simulation results
30.   Proposed model zone(s) exceed unmet load hours limits
31.   Error initializing building model database
32.   Error loading analysis ruleset
33.   User aborted analysis via progress dialog 'Cancel' button
34.   Invalid results object types
35.   Error copying results objects from a previous model
36.   Error copying equipment sizes/flows from source model
37.   Error(s) encountered reading building model (input/project) file
38.   Error: EnergyPlus simulation engine not found.
39.   Error: Version of EnergyPlus installed not compatible with analysis.
40.   Error setting up check of weather & design day file hashes
41.   DHW simulation not successful
(Return values in the range 101–200 describe issues encountered during/by simulation.)
101.                       SDD XML simulation input file not found
102.                       Simulation weather file not found
103.                       Simulation processing path not valid
104.                       Simulation executable path not valid
105.                       Simulation error output path/file not valid
106.                       User aborted analysis
107.                       Unable to locate EnergyPlus simulation SQL output file
108.                       Fatal error(s) occurred in EnergyPlus simulation
109.                       EnergyPlus simulation did not complete successfully
181.                       User aborted analysis during building model simulation
Fixed and Restricted Inputs
IES VE utilizes fixed and restricted inputs for both the Standard Design, and elements of the Proposed Design as specified in the 2016 Nonresidential Alternative Calculation Methodology (NACM) Reference Manual.
A detailed summary of all fixed and restricted inputs can be found in the 2016 NACM on the California Energy Commission website found HERE .