

Title 24 provides an alternative calculation method for demonstrating performance compliance with the non-residential provisions of the 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 6, and associated administrative regulations in part 1, Chapter 10 (Standards).
Key features:
·       Model geometry can be imported from SketchUp, Revit, DXF, gbXML and IFC.
·       2D drawings can be extruded automatically to a 3D model or built from scratch using ModelIT.
·       Integrated data model shares input data across all VE modules including the VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1 (LEED Energy), Dalylighting and Solar analysis modules.
·       Edit multiple rooms for rapid data assignment.
·       Input Data Visualisation – easily interrogate input data.
·       Tabular editing feature to edit and review HVAC zone data, as well as export to Excel in order to easily share and review with clients and colleagues.
·       Title 24 application approved for use with CBECC-Com 2016.2.1.
Energy Commission Approval
For general installation, please refer to the IES installation guide . CBECC-Com 2016.2.1 must also be installed, from the following:
Software Capabilities
The Title 24 IES VE module’s scope, features, and capabilities are listed below.
1.       Newly constructed buildings
2.       IES VE will produce results of the performance tests described in the 2016 Title 24 Nonresidential ACM Reference Manual.
1.       Include identifying information
2.       Include other general information required for compliance forms
3.       Include location information
4.       Identify climate zone and weather/design day files from the project site ZIP code
1.       Provide a comprehensive list of accurately described opaque materials
2.       Combine materials into constructions
3.       Describe fenestration performance properties via the simplified approach (e.g., U-value, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC), Visible Transmittance)
4.       Apply exterior insulated constructions to demising surfaces
5.       Check that proposed exterior constructions meet mandatory U-value requirements
6.       Remove user model building shades
7.       Retain user model geometry
8.       Adjust excess user model fenestration to standard design maximum window-to-wall ratio (WWR) and skylight-to-roof ratio (SRR) values.
Lighting and Other Internal Loads
1.       Replace user lighting systems with simple Light Power Density (LPD) values based on space function
2.       Allow simple lighting inputs for LPD and lighting schedules without the need to specify details of an interior lighting system
3.       Allow detailed lighting inputs for credits and allowances:
o   Lighting Controls and associated power adjustment factors (PAFs)
o   Area Category Lighting Allowances
o   Tailored Lighting Allowances
4.       Replace user occupancy and equipment loads with Alternative Calculation Method (ACM)- specified values.
5.       Replace user-specified infiltration rates with ACM values
6.       Replace user-specified schedules with ACM schedules
7.       Combine space-level data into zones
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
1.       Replace user-specified HVAC system with baseline system
o   Baseline sizing run is autosized
o   Baseline run hard sized using baseline sizing results
2.       Model user- specified HVAC systems with user-supplied sizing:
o   Package single zone (PSZ)
o   Single zone variable air volume (SZVAV)
o   Package variable air volume (PVAV)
o   Variable air volume (VAV)
o   Package terminal air conditioner (PTAC)
o   Package terminal heat pump (PTHP)
o   Water source heat pump (WSHP)
o   Four pipe fan-coil units (FPFC)
o   Single Packaged Vertical Units (SPVAC and SPVHP)
o   Baseboard heating
o   Evaporative Cooling
o   Exhaust Fans
o   Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS)
o   Plenum supply and return
o   Series fan-powered VAV boxes
o   CRAC and CRAH systems for computer rooms
o   Heat Recovery for Air Systems with 100% Outside Air
o   Special requirements enabled for process spaces (Computer rooms, kitchens, laboratories)
o   Heating coils
§  Gas furnace
§  Hot water
§  Electric
§  Direct expansion (DX) (heat pump)
o   Cooling coils
§  Chilled water
§  DX
o   Boilers
§  Hot water
§  Gas
§  Electric
§  Natural draft
§  Mechanical draft
o   Chillers
§  Screw
§  Reciprocating
§  Centrifugal
§  Air-cooled
§  Water-cooled
§  Absorption (Hot water)
o   Chilled water loop pumping
§  Primary only
§  Primary-secondary
o   Economizers (Airside & Waterside)
§  Non-integrated
§  Integrated
o   Economizer Controls
§  Fixed temperature
§  Differential temperature
§  Fixed enthalpy
§  Differential enthalpy
Domestic Water Heating
1.       Storage water heaters
o   Gas
o   Electric
2.       Residential domestic hot water (DHW) systems for residential occupancies
o   Gas
o   Electric
o   Heat-Pump
1.       Report simulation errors and warnings including useful descriptions
2.       Report number of hours with setpoint not met by thermal zone
3.       Report energy consumption by fuel and end-use
4.       Report time dependent value (TDV) energy by end use
5.       Report TDV energy comparison of Proposed and Standard Design, including Compliance Margin
6.       Generate “PRF-01” summary compliance form
1.       Ability to access and modify parameters needed to simulate the above
2.       Option to perform simulations in two modes:
o   Proposed Only (applies rules and simulates the Proposed Design)
o   Proposed and Standard (applies rules and simulates the Proposed and Standard Designs
1.       Release Note available with each IES VE version release
2.       IES VE Title24 User Guide