
Special Features and Modeling Assumptions

Modeling Assumptions
The IES VE uses the concept of three parallel sets of input for a single building modeled for compliance.
1.       The user model is the set of inputs entered by the user that reflect the actual specification of the as-designed building.
2.       The proposed model is generated by the software and applies modeling constraints to user inputs, when needed, for use in compliance. Values of prescribed inputs such as schedules or equipment power density are overridden with inputs to follow the rules in the ACM Reference Manual.
3.       The standard design model is the baseline for comparison.
The modeling rules and input restrictions are defined in detail in the ACM Reference Manual, available on the California Energy Commission website.
 Field Verifiation
The following list of features must be verified in the field.
·       NRFC rating for Fenestration
·       Thermal performance of Window Films. For details refer NA7 of 2013 Nonresidential Appendices
·       Thermal performance of Dynamic Glazing. For details refer NA7 of 2013 Nonresidential Appendices
·       Lighting Controls installed to earn a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) in accordance with Section 140.6(a) 2. For details refer NA7 of 2013 Nonresidential Appendices
·       Lighting for a Videoconferencing Studio in accordance with Exception to Section 140.6(a)3T. For details refer NA7 of 2013 Nonresidential Appendices
·       Kitchen Exhaust Systems with Type I Hood Systems. For details refer NA7 of 2013 Nonresidential Appendices
·       Fault Detection and Diagnostic Systems - this is a mandatory feature for systems with capacity of 54,000 Btu/h and above
·       DHW Distribution Diagnostic Testing- Duct System Leakage Diagnostic Testing - Duct leakage testing for systems serving less than 5,000 ft2 of space that have ducts in unconditioned space. Refer to NA2 for field test details. To claim the prescriptive required leakage level (6%) or lower, the tests in Reference Appendix NA2 must be completed. Otherwise, a higher default level is assumed in the compliance model
·       Low Leakage Air- handling Unit verification
Checklist for Compliance Submittal
The IES VE will produce the Certificate of Compliance for the Nonresidential Performance Compliance Method, NRCC-PRF-01-E, which meets the requirements of a compliance submittal.
For more information regarding compliance submittals and tools to determine what forms apply to your project visit http://energycodeace.com/content/home/.
Note: Please check Compliance Statement to make sure that the version you are using has been certified by the California Energy Commission to show compliance with California's 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.
Sample Compliance Documentation
See below for copy of NRCC-PRF-01-E
Two examples are provided:
1.       100006-RetlStrp-BaselinePTAC – is a sample project of a strip mall using PTAC units
2.       030006-OffMed-Baseline – is a sample project of a medium office using PVAV system with DX cooling and a central boiler system