
Space Data

Later in the design stage, when more detailed information about the building is available, data can be applied to individual rooms to obtain more accurate analysis results.
To enter Space Data click on the Rooms tab.
Level - Select rooms by storey i.e. ground floor, first floor, second floor.
Select   - When the Select Button is pressed the Modelviewer will display the building as an x-ray with any selected rooms highlighted Red.
Isolate  - When the Isolate Button is pressed the Modelviewer only displays the rooms that are selected on the list.
Room Type, Room Construction and Room (HVAC) System can be used to apply data to the selected room(s).  This will override the Building Type data applied for the selected rooms.

Room Type

Define the use of the room by selecting an option from the list. This is used to apply thermal template data including Heating and Cooling Set Points, Internal Gains and Air Exchanges.
Select <Building> to make the Room Activity the same as is set for the Building.
Note: Spaces whose room type is chosen as “unoccupiable” or “plenum” will NOT be considered “habitable area” therefore will not be part of the area calculations of the building for the Energy Use Intensity.

Room Constructions

This is used to apply constructions from the Constructions Database to surfaces and openings in the rooms.
Click the Constructions Button to open the Room Construction dialog.
Note: this differs from Building Construction as multiple Construction Types can now be created and applied to different rooms.
 New - adds a new Construction Type with default constructions.
 Delete - Deletes the currently selected Construction Type.
 Duplicate - Copies the currently selected Construction Type.

  Room Service

If any rooms use a different HVAC System from the one selected for the building this can be specified here.  Select <Building> to use the same system as the Building.
The VE-Ware button runs a dynamic thermal Apache simulation and generates whole-building annual energy and carbon usage results.  A report is generated showing details of total Energy usage, Energy breakdown by usage, total Carbon Emissions and, depending on location, comparison against NZBC Clause H1 Compliance (New Zealand) or Architecture 2030 Challenge targets (rest of world) .
Further information is available from the IES VE-Ware User Guide and the IES website .
The IES VE-Toolkits are a set of analyses that can be run to help influence and direct early stage building designs.  These fast analyses can be run with basic model inputs to allow indicative assessment of design options taking into account climate, building fabric, energy & carbon, thermal loads, daylighting and solar shading.  Further options offer an assessment of the potential for Low or Zero Carbon technologies and water reduction.
Using the VE-Toolkits for LEED the building model can be appraised against LEED credits to give an indicative result based on credits that cover daylighting, comfort, water and Renewables.
Click the Guidance  button to open the VE-Toolkits User Guide for more detailed help and also see the IES website .