
Space Conditions

This tab is displayed for rooms and plenum templates. It contains space attributes relating to space conditioning and two parameters relating to space modelling.
(For a room template with ApHVAC methodology the ‘Plant (auxiliary energy)’ frame is absent. For plenum templates only the ‘Model settings’ frame is present.)
Parameters in this frame are displayed for room templates, and used for room and system load calculations. For rooms with ApSys methodology they are also used for simulations when there is no attached ApacheHVAC system.
Operation Profile
The modulating profile defining heating availability. Heating is available when the profile value exceeds 50%. Profiles are defined in APpro.
The setpoint for heating control. The setpoint may be constant or governed by an absolute profile. Its value must be less than or equal to the Simulation cooling setpoint at all times.
Parameters in this frame specify the domestic hot water demand for rooms.
Consumption pattern
 A setting specifying the time variation of the DHW consumption. The options are:
·       Linked to space occupancy profile
·       Independent profile
DHW Consumption
 The DHW consumption rate, in units depending on the Pattern of use.
Parameters in this frame are displayed for room templates, and used for room and system load calculations. For rooms with ApSys methodology they are also used for simulations.
Operation Profile
 The modulating profile defining cooling availability. Cooling is available when the profile value exceeds 50%. Profiles are defined in APpro.
 The setpoint for cooling control. The setpoint may be constant or governed by an absolute profile. Its value must be greater than or equal to the Simulation heating setpoint at all times.
Plant (auxiliary energy)
Parameters in this frame are defined for ApSys methodology rooms. They are used to determine a component of the auxiliary energy consumption associated with the room.
Plant operation
A setting specifying the time variation of plant operation (and hence auxiliary energy consumption). The options are:
·       Set to heating profile
·       Set to cooling profile
·       Set independently
Profile schedule
 Only active when Plant operation is Set independently. A modulating profile.
Model settings
Parameters in this frame are defined for rooms and plenums.
Solar reflected fraction
Used for CIBSE Loads only. This is the fraction of solar radiation which, having entered the space, is then transmitted out again through glazing or holes. The value of solar fraction lost depends primarily on internal surface solar absorptance and room geometry. Rooms with a lot of glazing often have high solar reflected fractions.
Furniture Mass Factor
The thermal capacity of objects in the space, expressed as a multiple of the thermal capacity of the air mass.
Humidity control
 Parameters in this frame are defined for rooms, and used for room and system load calculations. For rooms with ApSys methodology they are also used for simulations.
Min. percentage saturation
The minimum percentage saturation level to be maintained in the room during periods of plant operation, as specified by the Cooling profile on the Room Conditions tab. If the percentage saturation in the space falls below the value entered here during plant operation, humidification will occur to meet this limit. Setting this parameter to 0% disables humidification control.
Max. percentage saturation
 The maximum Percentage Saturation level to be maintained during periods of plant operation, as specified by the Cooling profile on the Room Conditions tab. If the percentage saturation in the space rises above the value entered here during plant operation, dehumidification will occur to meet this limit. Setting this parameter to 100% disables dehumidification control.