
Building Template Manager


Import Templates

The Building Template Manager (BTM) provides a means of specifying frequently used object attributes for later assignment to spaces, constructions and other objects in a Virtual Environment model.
Note: Tabular Building Template Manager interface is covered in another user guide.

BTM Dialog

The Building Template Manager window can be opened by selecting Templates > Building Template Manager from the VE menu or via the toolbar button . The following window will then be displayed:
The BTM initially displays System attributes of a Thermal template applicable to spaces of type Room. Other types of template may be selected from the list on the left hand side of the dialog. Thermal templates for spaces other than rooms can be selected from the tabs at the top of the dialog (Room, Void, RA Plenum, SA Plenum), and other space attributes can be accessed using the tabs above the template data. These correspond to tabs on the Space Data dialog (System, Space Conditions, Internal Gains, Air Exchanges, Building Regulations, Comfort).

Project Template File

For each modelling project, a project specific template file is created with the extension *.mtd.  This holds the template(s) used by the modelling project.  The Project Template File is created automatically for each project.