
Simulate HVR performance using Apache

Once you have applied the HVR assignments to an ApacheHVAC system file, you are ready to perform a simulation. Clicking the Simulate System action under Thermal Simulation will switch to Apache view and prepare to run an Apache Simulation. In order to effectively simulate and view results for the HVR, the following simulation options are required:
-          Enable SunCast Link? should be active
-          MacroFlo Link? should be active
-          ApacheHVAC Link? should be active, with an HVAC system file selected that has the current HVR assignments applied to it
-          Auxiliary ventilation air exchange? should be active
-          Natural ventilation air exchange? should be active
The Simulate System action will first check your current simulation options to see if they match these desired values – if not, a message will be displayed to indicate this:
You can use the Show Details button at the bottom-left to display information on which setting(s) are not at the expected value. If you would like the settings to be automatically updated to be optimal for simulating HVR, you can click the Update Simulation Options for HVR® button – otherwise, click the Use Existing Simulation Options button to continue with your current simulation options.
The standard Apache Simulation window should then appear, allowing you to configure which period you want the simulation to cover. Once ready, you can start the simulation by clicking the Simulate button.
Once completed, the VistaPro module can be used to view and analyse the results.