
Settings, Menu & Toolbar

The VE Compliance menu bar has now been consolidated, such that one menu bar is shown for all applications, with one module-specific menu displayed when the user selects any particular application.
When  VE Compliance is chosen from the application selector, the ‘building compliance’ menu will become active.
Building Compliance menu
Save any changes made within the VE Compliance module.
Export Space Data
This facility allows you to export the Space Data and geometry data to a text (.TXT) file, for subsequent use in other applications (eg a spreadsheet)
Export as version 6.1.1 model
This option saves the model to a form compatible with VE 6.1.1, to allow it to be analysed under certain regulatory frameworks no longer covered by the current VE release.
View results folders
This option opens a window on the directory containing the results files for the current analysis.
Settings applicable to VE Compliance can be viewed/edited here

VE Compliance Toolbar

The Building Regulations toolbar provides a quick route to some of the options on the VE Compliance View pull-down menus.
Select object
Switch to ‘select object’ mode after operations in which a mouse click is interpreted in another way. ‘Select object’ is currently the only mode used in the VE Compliance View.
Edit selection set constructions
Edit or view the construction type for the selected building elements. See ‘Changing the construction type for selected elements’.
Edit selection set custom attributes
Edit or view the Space Data for selected rooms. See ‘Editing Space Data’ for a set of rooms for details.
Assign Room Thermal Template to selection set
Assign a Room Thermal Template to the selected rooms. See ‘Assigning a Room Thermal Template’ to a set of rooms.
Heating & Cooling Zones
Open the Heating/Cooling Zones dialog box, which allows you to add, remove and assign names for heating and cooling zones, to which rooms can be subsequently allocated. Select the zone you wish to edit, and click on the Edit button. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to edit the name of the zone.
Apache Systems
Edit or view Apache Systems. The Apache Systems allow you to describe the characteristics of systems supplying the heating, ventilating and air conditioning requirements of rooms. For details see the description of Apache Systems.
Fuels Data
Carbon dioxide emission factors for fuels. In VE Compliance these are set automatically as a function of the regulatory framework.
Apache profile database manager
Run APpro, the Apache profile database manager. APpro is used to create and edit profiles, which define the time-variation of many parameters input to the Building Regulations, Apache and MacroFlo programs. Profiles are also accessed by the Template Manager.
Please refer to the APpro User Guide for information on using the APpro utility.
Apache construction database manager
Run CDB, the Apache construction database manager. CDB is used to create and edit construction types, which are assigned to building elements in the VE Compliance View.
Please refer to the CDB user guide for further information.
Apache weather/location database manager
Run APlocate, the Apache weather and location database manager. APlocate is used to specify weather and location data to be used by the Apache thermal analysis programs.
Please refer to the APlocate User Guide for further information.
Edit or view the attributes of a single selected object. The object may be a room or a building element, depending on the current level of decomposition. In the case of an element, with the decomposition mode set to adjacency, the Query function allows you to edit the element’s thermal boundary condition. See
Model viewer
Display a perspective view of the model. Please refer to the ModelIT User Guide for further information.
Edit or view renewables systems. The Renewables allow you to describe the characteristics of systems supplying energy to the building such as photovoltaics, wind turbines and CHP.
Edit Multiple Adjacencies
Edit adjacent temperature condition for a group of surfaces of the same type (wall, ground floor or roof).
Regulatory framework options
These toolbar settings select the regulatory framework for the analysis, and (where relevant) the version of the building displayed.
Specifies the legal framework, as determined by geographical region, version (year) and building class (dwelling or non-dwelling).
Specifies the method to be applied, from the following options:
ApacheSim - compliance:   dynamic thermal simulation for compliance
ApacheSim – EPC:   dynamic thermal simulation for Energy Performance Certificate
SBEM - compliance:   BRE Simplified Building Energy Model analysis for compliance
SBEM – EPC:   Simplified Building Energy Model analysis for Energy Performance Certificate
Allows you to select a version of the building (where relevant) from the following options:
Actual:                     the building as designed, but with standardised internal conditions
Notional:                 the comparison building for compliance assessment
Reference:               the comparison building for the calculation of EPC Asset Rating
Only the Actual building is editable. The other ‘benchmark’ buildings are for inspection only.