

The Settings dialog can be accessed from the Options menu -> Settings item.
General Tab
The General tab contains a few options:
·       Automatically download results when tasks complete - This option, if checked, will automatically start downloading results files for tasks whose status changes to Complete. This has the same effect as the user right clicking the task and selecting the Download option when it completes.
·       Remove tasks after results have downloaded – This option will remove tasks automatically after their results files have been downloaded successfully to the project directory. This is the same as right clicking and selecting ‘Remove’
·       Use local service – with this option selected the simulation engine will run as a separate process on your computer (VETaskService.exe) which will allow you to close and re-open the VE without cancelling simulations.
Notifications tab (E-mail)
The Notifications tab allows you to setup a mailing list of recipients who will receive email notifications when simulations/tasks complete or fail. In order to do this, you first need to check the ‘Enable email notifications’ check-box.
You can add and remove recipient email addresses by selecting the ‘Add’ and ‘Remove’ buttons respectively. ‘Add’ will prompt you to enter a new email address to add and ‘Remove’ will remove all currently selected items in the list.
In order to send emails, the VE requires an SMTP server. If you wish to use the same SMTP server as your local/company email client application, then these settings can generally be found somewhere in the Application settings. For Outlook, this would be in File -> Account Settings -> Select account and then ‘Change…’ and it should give the address of the SMTP server it is using.
If the server requires authentication, then check the ‘Server requires authentication’ check-box and enter the username and password.