
Details, Messages & Descriptions

Details Panel
The details panel, highlighted in blue above, provides detailed information about the currently selected task in the list.
·       Started – the date and time of when the simulation started.
·       Completed – the date and time of when the simulation completed
·       ETC – the Estimated Time of Completion. This is a rough estimate of when the simulation will finish, calculated based on the start time of the simulation and its progression history.
·       Elapsed – the elapsed time of the simulation
·       ID – the simulation/task ID
·       Model – the name of the model which is being simulated
·       Priority – queue priority (High, Medium or Low)
Messages Panel
The messages panel, highlighted in green above, will display any errors, warnings and general messages produced by the currently selected task. If a task fails, there will generally be an error message present in this panel.
The messages can be filtered by their type by toggling the three buttons at the top of this panel:
The blue highlights on these buttons indicate that these types should be listed.
Description Panel
The Description panel, highlighted in purple above, contains some additional information about the currently selected task. This description depends on the type of task/job selected.
All of the panels (Details, Messages and Description) can be dragged and dropped to different parts of the dialog to customise the appearance of the dialog. They can also be hidden and shown via the View menu: