

What is Section 6?  
Section 6 is a facility within the Virtual Environment’s <VE> Compliance view
providing facilities for testing compliance with Section 6 of the Building Regulations
(Scotland), 2010 edition. Section 6 (2010) applies to all new non-dwellings in Scotland.
Data for the Section 6 analysis is taken from the <Virtual Environment> model,
supplemented where necessary by inputs specific to the requirements of Section 6.
Results of the Section 6 Compliance analysis are presented in four levels of detail:
·       Pass/fail verdict.
·       A summary of the compliance checks carried out and their results (PDF file).
·       A report setting out the energy analysis as a 1-page graphical summary (PDF).
·       A report setting out the energy analysis in detail (HTML file)
Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) and Recommendation Reports can also be
generated for Section 6.
Part L2 (2010) and Section 6 (2010)
VE-SBEM covers both Part L2 (2006) (Eng/Wales) and Section 6 (2010) (Scotland).
As a temporary measure, this document only describes those Section 6 inputs which are different from Part L2.
For a full description of VE-SBEM, please see the Part L2 (2010) VE-SBEM User Guide.
For more details about SBEM inputs, please see the iSBEM 4.1 manual, freely downloadable from www.2010ncm.bre.co.uk