

The user should select the appropriate results file (*.aps) from the results file section in VistaPro and enter the appropriate air speed and building category into the comfort parameters dialog prior to generating the report. This is produced upon clicking the “Report” button.
The report is saved in the Vista folder of your project folder.
Please Note:
Users should assign appropriate occupancy profiles to all rooms. Only rooms that are occupied will be included in that analysis. Users should read section 6.1.2 with particular attention to 6.1.2 (a).
In this section of the report, the number of rooms that pass, fail and are unoccupied (and thus omitted from criteria checks) are presented.
Data Check
For TM52, the results file must contain data for at least 1st May to 30th September. This shows the dates and days that are contained in the results file, the summer period and if the results are acceptable to TM52.
This section brings to the user’s attention that educational NCM profiles may be seen as inappropriate for TM52 analysis. Users are recommended to read Section 6.1.2 of TM52, with particular attention to Section 6.1.2 (a).
In this report, only occupied hours are assessed, so the user must select appropriate occupancy profiles for each room, keeping in mind that if occupancy is for only part of the period then the occupancy profile being applied to the space should include available hours.
This section outlines the rooms that pass, fail and those that are unoccupied. Users are reminded that a room that fails any two of the three criteria is classed as overheating and thus fails the TM52 check.
Occupied days
This shows the number of days in the summer that the space is occupied. Users are recommended to investigate rooms that have low occupancy percentage as this could mean that “available hours” are not being taken into account.
Criteria 1
This displays the percentage hours when the difference in operative temperature minus the maximum acceptable temperature is greater than or equal to 1 K.
Criteria 2
This displays the maximum daily degree hours found for the space. This fails if it is greater than 6 K.
Criteria 3
This displays the maximum ΔT for the space. This space fails if it is greater than or equal to 4 K.
VistaPro Variables
In VistaPro, five new variables are available to perform in depth adaptive comfort analysis. These variables (apart from Daily weighted exceedence) are calculated for all times of the day, not just occupied hours. This means that you can assess multiple iterations of design quickly and by using the range test, perform available hour analysis. You can also perform in depth analysis of individual rooms to optimise the performance of these naturally ventilated spaces.
Weather Variables
Two additional weather variables are presented in the weather section of VistaPro.
Daily running mean temp.
This is the exponentially weighted running mean of the daily mean outdoor air temperature as outlined in TM52. An alpha value of 0.8 is used to calculate this variable as outlined in TM52. Where an extensive run of days is not available, an approximate calculation method using the mean temperatures for the last seven days is used as outlined in TM52.
Max adaptive temp
This temperature is dependent on the running mean temperature and the building category. Please see section 3.2 - Building Category for further information.
Room Variables
Three additional room variables are included for in-depth TM52 analysis.
Operative temperature
This is calculated as outlined by TM52. Further information can be found in section 3.1 - Summer (elevated) air speed (m/s).
Degrees > Max. adaptive temp.
This processed variable uses the following formula to address Criteria 1 and 3:
Equation 4 – Degrees > Max. adaptive temp.
This shows not only the points where you are possibly failing Criteria 1, but also the magnitude of possible failure. For data points that have a magnitude greater than 4 °C would mean a failure of Criteria 3.
Daily weighted exceedence
This processed variable is used for criteria 2. It is only calculated for the occupied hours (When “Number of people” variable is greater than 0.001). It is graphed across a whole day as it is a daily value. A value of greater than 6 is a fail.