
Prototype Layers

A facility has been provided within the Multiplex Edit dialog for tagging layers of a multiplex as prototype layers.
The purpose of prototype layers is to provide a means for selected layers of a multiplex to form the basis of a standard or custom system prototype. In this context a prototype layer represents a kind of template for a particular type of layer when the prototype is imported to create a system, or when a system is copied on the ApacheHVAC canvas prior to being populated with a similar range of space (e.g., in another wing of the same building). Examples of prototype layers for a hospital are ‘Office’, ‘Patient room’, ‘Short stay’, and ‘Operating theatre’. Generally, prototype layers will be most useful for large projects wherein there are many spaces in the same functional or occupancy category that will tend to share a significant number of settings within the System Parameters dialog.
Prototype layers are labeled on the multiplex layers list so they can be readily located. They function as ordinary layers as well as having special functions with respect to parent-child relationships (initially with respect content when a child copy is made, and thereafter in name only), layer filtering (according to the parent name), and semi-protected status within the multiplex.
Layer type
Clicking on the ‘Layer type’ dropdown selector on any layer row in the Multiplex Edit dialog opens a nested dialog for
Any layer can be designated as a prototype layer. If it was created as a child of an existing prototype layer, the association with the source layer will be decoupled when its type is changed from child to prototype. When designated as a prototype layer, a name for the prototype (e.g., “Conference room”) will be required.
New layers can be created as a copy or child of any selected prototype layer. Any layer created as a copy of the prototype will retain reference to the source prototype layer by name for sorting and selection purposes, not related data content of the layer). A child layer created as a copy of a prototype will, just as with a copy of any layer, initially share all data and settings for the source layer within the System Parameters interface, excepting the Room of Zone assigned to the source layer. The child will retain this data only until edited. There is no persistent parent-child link with respect to data.
Mechanisms are provided for designating any multiplex layer as a prototype layer, and for removing this designation (see the Layer Type column in screen captures above and mechanism within drop-down selectors in that column shown in screen captures below):
·     Prototype layer {designating a layer as a prototype flags as such and allows the user to give it a name}
·     Prototype child {designating a layer as a child provides means of selecting any currently defined prototype layer in the multiplex as the parent with which it will be associated—essentially just adding it to a selection and sorting group.}
·     Standard layer {this default state indicated by a simple double dash “–“ breaks association of a child with a parent layer or removes the designation if it was a prototype. De-prototyping a layer should clear the prototype name and child designation from all associated child layers.
Adding Layers as children (copies) of a Prototype Layer:
·     Copying a prototype layer (which has either been imported with the system prototype or created subsequently) causes the new layer to reference the prototype layer from which it was created.
·     All components, controls, and current data associated with these will be copied, as usual, from the parent Prototype Layer to all Child Layers made from it. There will, however, be no linking of any content or data between layers: once created, editing of the parent or child will not affect the other.
·     Deleting a prototype layer deletes all references to that layer.
The child of the prototype references the name of the parent prototype layer in uneditable text so that one can tell which parent it was created from. Once the copy has been made, it will share only this linked prototype name for the purpose of identification and selection and the parent-child relationship.
Sorting by Layer Type
Clicking the “Layer Type” column heading sorts all rows according to the names of the prototypes and their children.
Select same prototype layers
This selects all layers—parent and children—sharing the same prototype layer name. This function is available when current selection is a single prototype layer or includes only children of a single prototype.
Hide non-selected layers
Whether selected in relation to a prototype layer or otherwise, this hides all non-selected layers. In the context of prototype layers, this is useful as means of selecting all layers of the same time and then hiding others to aid in navigating a long list of multiplex layers.
Collapse to prototype layers
Collapse to prototype layers is special operation for each HVAC network on par with de-prototyping a prototype system. This is equivalent to opening the Edit Multiplex dialog and clicking Select all non-prototype layers, then clicking Delete. Therefore, this operation is generally intended for use on a copy of an HVAC network that is to be firstly collapsed to just the prototype layers, and then re-populated with a new set of zones using the prototype layers to reduce setup time required for the newly added spaces.
When collapsing a system to prototype layers only, you have the option to keep the zone assignments for those layers (the prototype layers that will be retained), or to re-set them to unassigned or empty layers.
Add, Insert, and Copy with respect to prototype layers
The combined effect of the three radio-button options and the Add, Insert, and Copy buttons is best described via the matrix of operations and outcomes below:
Radio buttons
Add Layers button
Insert Layers button
Copy Layers button
Determines type of new layer, per options below.
New layer(s) appended to end
of layers list; number of layers set by dropdown selector.
New layer(s) inserted just above first (lowest numbered) of the currently selected layers; number of layers set by dropdown selector.
New layer(s) appended to end of layers list; number of new layers = number of layers selected.
New layer with default System Parameters
Principal room: Unset
Layer type: Standard layer
System Parameters: Default values
Principal room: Unset
Layer type: Standard layer
System Parameters: Default values
Principal room: Same as selected layer(s)
Layer type:  Same as selected layer(s); for each selected layer that is a prototype layer, the appended new layer is a child of that particular prototype layer.
System Parameters: Copies of selected layer(s)
   As noted above.
Copy of last (highest numbered) selected layer
Principal room: Unset
Layer type:  Same type as last (highest numbered) selected layer; if this is a prototype layer, the added layer is a child of this prototype layer.
System Parameters: Copy of data for the last selected layer (same as copying a layer and changing Principal Room to Unset).
Principal room: Unset
Layer type: Same type as last (highest numbered) selected layer; if this is a prototype layer, the inserted layer is a child of this prototype layer.
System Parameters: Copy of data for the last selected layer (same as copying a layer and changing Principal Room to Unset).
Child (copy) of prototype layer
Principal room: Unset
Layer type: Child of the prototype layer in the dropdown selector.
System Parameters: Copy of data for the prototype layer (same as copying a layer and changing Principal Room to Unset).
Principal room: Unset
Layer type: Child of the prototype layer in the dropdown selector.
System Parameters: Copy of data for the prototype layer (same as copying a layer and changing Principal Room to Unset).