
Pinned Location & Weather

The Pinned Location & Weather group at the bottom of the left pane of the Start Page can be used to apply one of the five pinned Location & Weather presets to the currently opened project. It also provides access to the full list of presets and preset management functionality using a pop-up menu.
If the project is not using a Location & Weather preset, the list will display a Currently Active item called Custom Location & Weather settings used (as in the above example). If the project is using a preset that is not one of the first five pinned, that preset will be displayed in Currently Active and will be ticked:
If one of the first five pinned presets is applied to the current project, the Currently Active section will not be displayed, but the tick will be displayed next to the appropriate pinned preset:
Clicking on one of the preset (in blue text) will close the Start Page and automatically apply that preset to the current project – an alert will be displayed whenever the preset is applied:
Additional options for Location & Weather presets can be displayed by clicking the Preset Options button – this will display a pop-up menu with access to all available presets:
You can select any preset from the All Presets sub-menu to apply it to the current project.
The other items in the menu are as follows:
-          Open ApLocate…: This will close the Start Page and open ApLocate for the current project, allowing you to configure the location and weather settings.
-          Save Current Settings as Preset…: This will display the Save Location & Weather Preset window, allowing you to save the current location and weather settings as a new preset. The window allows you to specify the name for the preset and an optional description for it, as well as optionally allowing you to pin the preset.
-          Manage Presets…: This will display the Manage Location & Weather Presets window, allowing you to show/hide presets, edit their name and/or description, pinned state and delete user presets (built-in presets cannot be deleted).
Note that the Preset Options menu and functionality is also accessible within any view in the VE by right-clicking on the location in the status bar (or by holding down the left mouse button on the location), and also from within ApLocate itself.