
Open Project

The Open Project section provides access to both recently-used VE projects and to the general Browse functionality for opening other VE projects.
The Recent Projects sub-section will always be active, as it is the only displayable sub-section. This displays the list of recently used projects, grouped by time period (e.g. Today, This Week, Last Week, Older). The Browse… option beneath it will display a standard file browser dialog, allowing you to browse the PC for a VE project to open.
Each project in the Recent Projects list shows its file name, the directory path where the project is stored, and the date it was last opened within the VE. To open a project, simply click it with the mouse pointer – this will close the Start Page and any existing opened project (you will be prompted to save the existing project if necessary) and the selected project will be opened.
You can also choose to “pin” commonly-used projects – this means they will be displayed at the top of the group, in a separate Pinned Projects list. To pin a project, hover over it in the list and click the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side (the pin is only displayed when you hover over the project template with the mouse pointer):
To un-pin a pinned template, click on the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side of it in the Pinned Projects list:
You can also pin, unpin and perform other operations on a project in the list by right-clicking on it – this will display a dropdown menu with the following options:
-          Open: This is equivalent to a left-click on the project to open it in the VE.
-          Copy path to clipboard: This will copy the full path to the project file onto the clipboard (e.g. C:\VE-Projects\My Project\My Project.mit).
-          Show in Windows Explorer: This will open a Windows Explorer window at the location containing the project file.
-          Pin to list: This will move the project entry to the Pinned Projects list (only shown for unpinned projects).
-          Unpin from list: This will remove the project entry from the Pinned Projects list (only shown for pinned projects).
-          Remove from list: This will remove this project’s entry from Recent Projects (note that this is not deleting the project, only removing its entry from the list).
-          Clear unpinned list: This will remove all project entries that are not pinned (note that this is not deleting the projects, only removing their entries from the list).
Note that the Recent Projects list in the File menu corresponds to the most recently used 10 projects displayed on this list – however, the Start Page provides access to a larger and more feature-rich version of the list.