
Part Load Curve Heating Plant dialog

 Figure 3 - 22 : Part load curve heating plant editing dialog showing illustrative inputs
Heating plant reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar equipment, components, and controllers.
Heating plant type
Choose from ‘Boiler’, ‘Heat pump’ or ‘Other heating plant’. All these types are modeled in the same way, but their simulation results appear under different variables in Vista.
Select the fuel, type of energy source, or energy end-use category for the part load curve heating plant. For scratch-built systems, this will normally be either Natural Gas or Electricity and for pre-defined systems this is, depending upon the equipment type, set to Heating (fossil fuel) or Heating (electricity), which are energy end-use designations for the ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method reports (see section 8: Pre-Defined Prototype HVAC Systems and the separate user guide for the PRM Navigator).
Pump power
This parameter is only applied for a part load curve heating plant used in the generic heat source. It is not used (disabled) for a part load curve heating plant used in the hot water loop.
When this parameter is enabled, enter the circulation pump electrical power. The pump is assumed to operate whenever there is a heating load to be met on the generic heat source that the part load curve heating plant is associated with, irrespective of the source of the heat (i.e. boiler, heat pump, combined heat and power system, or recovered heat from chillers). The pump power is modulated by the pump usage percentages defined in the part-load table.
Part-load Performance
Enter up to ten load values to define the part-load efficiency characteristic.
Important: The part-load values must be entered in increasing (ascending) order from top to bottom. If entered in the reverse order, only the first value with be used.
Enter an efficiency value for each part-load value . Linear interpolation is applied between the defined points.
Pump usage
This parameter is only applied for a part load curve heating plant used in the generic heat source. It is not used (disabled) for a part load curve heating plant used in the hot water loop.
When this parameter is enabled, enter a pump usage percentage for each part-load value. Linear interpolation is applied between the defined points.