

The Virtual Environment (VE) software includes built-in support for simulating both HTM FS and HTM F units from Monodraught. However, in order to simulate you will need valid licenses for the following VE modules:
·       ModelIT
·       Apache
·       MacroFlo
·       SunCast
·       ApacheSim
If you are missing one or more of these licenses, you will not be able to use the Monodraught HTM functionality within the VE. Please contact keys@iesve.com for queries or support with licensing issues.

Requirements for use within the VE

Following the release of the Facilities Output Specification (FOS) for the Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP), Monodraught Ltd. have utilised their extensive knowledge, product testing, and building simulation skills to develop low energy ventilation systems which meet the FOS requirements in a cost-efficient manner.
The Hybrid Thermal Mixing (HTM) system from Monodraught is designed to provide natural ventilation and hybrid ventilation incorporating mixed tempered air for winter periods, with the ability to provide secure night time cooling and boosted levels of ventilation during summer. The system is designed to work in conjunction with other natural ventilation provided by manual or automatic windows or louvres and can be used in single sided or cross flow ventilation strategies. The units can be mounted horizontally above windows or mounted vertically to the sides of rooms and can also be ducted to provide ventilation to deep plan rooms.
The system comprises of an intelligent and fully automatic control system coupled with a low energy ventilation system which switches between operational modes dependant on season, external/internal temperature conditions and indoor air quality (IAQ).
The HTM systems have exceptionally low specific fan powers and feature an intelligent control system, which is supplied as standard, with full data logging facility, temperature control and CO2 control. With the optional BACnet module, each unit has the ability to output key performance data to a central BMS.
Further details on the units, control strategies and technical data is provided in this user guide (see HTM Background and Appendix B: HTM Technical Data). For the latest details on the HTM product line or to discuss potential suitability for your project, please visit http://www.monodraught.com.