

The subscription service is based on an update service and includes the following data:
·       Construction and M&E system costs - annual updates Sept/Oct.
·       TPIs (tender cost indices) and location factors - quarterly updates.
The construction costs and M&E system costs will be stored as an encrypted database and presented to users as a cost library, which can then be applied in project. The intent is that users will apply the costs to their own libraries of constructions and systems which will then be automatically maintained via the subscription service data. The forthcoming master template feature will allow users to easily share such maintained libraries once created over installations which have a subscription licence. This approach minimises development, removes IES responsibility for cost data accuracy (as there is no interpretation of the construction and M&E system costs data to match VE constructions or systems) and provides flexibility.
TPIs and location factors will be both stored as csv files.
Subscription System
Data will be provided via manual file download off the IES website via a user’s “My account”:
·       A My data option is added to the My account webpage main menu leading to a list of paid-for and (in the future) free datasets (e.g. cost data, LCC/LCA data, components, constructions, master templates etc);
·       The IES license team will maintain the status of a user’s subscription to any dataset;
·       Unpaid subscriptions will lead to access to said datasets being removed (current and past datasets);
·       Once downloaded IES access control over the dataset ends;
·       The list will only show the current dataset per subscription;
·       The list will also have a link to an archive of past datasets per subscription.
Like many data subscription services ongoing payment maintains access to the downloadable up-to-date data from the IES website. This is simple way of enabling subscription based access. Users will be alerted to new data availability by quarterly email).
Such subscription based services can be abused i.e. user passes on the data files or user account details, however I believe this approach is quite normal in this situation (see web EN, BS standard portals) and importantly it avoids new VE licensing issues and consequential development work.
Furthermore a Cost plan Pro license is needed to make any worthwhile use of the data files, the encrypted data files are useless in their encrypted form and the data updates every quarter so this form of protection seems proportionate in preventing revenue loss to IES & DL.