
Modifying & Performing Calculations


Modifying the 3D Model

Once the model has been generated, you may use the standard ModelIT techniques to modify the thermal, lighting and construction attributes for a single room or a selected group of rooms. You may also add rooms or draw pitched roof constructions using the ModelIT drawing tools. See the ModelIT User Guide for further information.
Note that you need to close the ConstructDXF window before you can use any of the ModelIT facilities.
Use the Building option from the Settings menu in ModelIT to define the building rotation for thermal and shading calculations.
Use the APlocate utility to set up site and weather data for thermal and shading calculations (see the APlocate User Guide).

Performing Calculations

Having created a model, any of the <Virtual Environment> modules may be used in conjunction with the model.
Select the module you wish to run from the Applications Selector: