
Modify application object

An important detail that are relevant to all the listed operations apart from Replace is to make sure the following when an application object ( i.e. apache system, construction, or macroflo opening type ) is to be modified:
·       Only modify the object directly if it is not used by parts of the model that are filtered out.
·       Otherwise, make only one copy of the object and reassign the copied object back to the filtered parts of the model. Then alter the copied object to the desired change.
Value constraints handling for value model variables
The model variable may have valid value range which will be checked against prior to the intended change. If the resulting value is out of range, no changes will be made to the model and errors will be logged.
Units handling for value model variables and parser variables
The model variable may have multiple eligible units. The tool allows users to specify which unit the operation value is based on, which can be different from the current unit settings in the model. The tool will perform the required unit conversion to ensure value updates are operated on the same unit. Note that the unit the operation value is based on are also the unit used by the parser variable 2nd operand should the model variable is also used as the parser variable.