
Design option operations

The following operations are allowed in the tool, the first three operations are only relevant to constructions.                
Operation type
Add Layers On Outer Face
Opaque construction specific operation.
Operation value: all construction of a given type in the project construction database.
Action: add layers of the chosen constructions (specified in the operation value) in to out on the outer surface of those constructions to be changed in the model (determined by the model variable and filtering criteria).
May need to import a construction.
Add Layers On Inner Face
Opaque construction specific operation.
Operation value: all construction of a given type in the project construction database.
Action: add layers of the chosen constructions (specified in the operation value) out to in on the inner surface of those constructions to be changed in the model (determined by the model variable and filtering criteria).
May need to import a construction.
Replace Outermost Cavity
Opaque construction specific operation.
Operation value: all insulating materials in the project materials database.
Action: insert the chosen insulating material (specified in the operation value) to the outermost cavity of the constructions to be changed in the model (determined by the model variable and filtering criteria) should those constructions have an outermost cavity layer. No changes are made to those constructions that do not have an outmost cavity layer.
May need to import a material.
Replace Macroflo opening type
Operation only available to the following Macroflo category variables:
External window
External door
Roof light
Operation value: all Macroflo opening types in the Macroflo opening database.
Action: replace the macroflo opening types for the chosen windows or doors to the specified type.
May need to import a macroflo opening type.
Replace deal with replacing the following types of object in the model with another object:
Room attributes template
Thermal condition s template
Profile ( either absolute or modulate )
Apache system
Internal gain
Air exchange
Weather file
System heating or cooling fuel
Operation value: all the relevant objects in the project object database.
May need to import the following objects:
·       Construction
·       Room attributes template
·       Thermal condition s template
·       Profile ( either absolute or modulate )
·       Apache system
·       Internal gain
·       Air exchange
Value Increase
Only relevant to model variables of the value type, e.g., CoolingSetpointConstant
Operation value: any numeric number.
Action: increase the value to the specified number.
No import issue.
Value Decrease
Only relevant to model variables of the value type, e.g., CoolingSetpointConstant
Operation value: any numeric number.
Action: decreases the value to the specified number.
No import issue.
Value Replacement
Only relevant to model variables of the value type, e.g., CoolingSetpointConstant
Operation value: any numeric number.
Action: replaces the value with the specified number.
No import issue.
Add Ext. Glazing by Percentage Area (Remove Existing Glazing)
Only available to variable “Windows” under the “Surface objects” category.
Operation value: percentage of glazing area needed.
Action: Add the specified percentage of glazing on the desired external surfaces including the ground floor (remove their existing glazing).
No import issue.
Add Ext. Glazing by Percentage Area (Keep Existing Glazing)
Only available to variable “Windows” under the “Surface objects” category.
Operation value: percentage of glazing area needed.
Action: Add the specified percentage of glazing on the desired external surfaces including the ground floor (keep their existing glazing).
No import issue.