
Mixed Used Buildings

Mixed use buildings allow splitting the VE model rooms into individual building types – for example an Education model could contain some office spaces and you may want to analyze the environmental impact of the model constructions of each building type separately. Using the mixed building feature supports this scenario.
Mixed use buildings are also required when benchmarking of LCA data becomes available. Currently there is no benchmarking information available for any of the four supported building types. Note the current building type has no mapping between the NCM building types available in the Part L compliance module.
Mixed use buildings are restricted to Residential, Office, Industrial and Education via the properties dialog within the room tree browser.  Right click a room in the browser then select properties:
Once you have set your rooms to one of the four types of building you may add additional LCA tabs via the add option by right clicking and selecting Add:
This will display an Add LCA Tab dialog:
The blank row represents all rooms that have not been assigned any building type.