
MacroFlo Toolbar

The MacroFlo toolbar provides a quick route to some of the options on the MacroFlo pull-down menus.
Save the MacroFlo view data to file.
Select Object
Switch to ‘select object’ mode after operations in which a mouse click is interpreted in another way. ‘Select object’ is currently the only mode used in the MacroFlo view.
Edit Selection Set Opening Types
Edit or view the opening type for the selected openings. See 1 Changing the opening type for selected openings.
Apache Profile Database Manager
Run APpro, the Apache profile database manager. APpro is used to create and edit profiles, which define the time-variation of many parameters input to the Apache and MacroFlo programs. Profiles are also accessed by the Template Manager.
Please refer to the APpro User Guide for information on using the APpro utility.
Edit or view the attributes of a single selected object. Here, only an opening may be interrogated using this option.
MacroFlo Opening Types Database Manager
Run the MacroFlo Opening Types program. This program is used to create and edit opening types, which are assigned to openings in the MacroFlo view.
Model Viewer
Display a perspective view of the model. Please refer to the ModelIT User Guide for further information.