
Load sizing and Ventilation Reports

A consolidated “Generate system loads and sizing reports” dialog provides one place to generate a broad range of new and existing reports for buildings, system, zone, and room loads, sizing, and ventilation. This provides user control over:
·       The results file to be used for generating reports;
·       Which of the PDF Loads reports will be generated;
·       Selection of the relevant coils for reporting of gains and losses contributing to coil loads at the time of the coil peak;
·       The inclusion or exclusion of oversizing factors, which will be indicated one way or the other on the reports generated;
·       This dialog also includes the option to generate the older style (VE2016 & earlier) HTML System Loads and ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation reports.
Reports include:
·       Project and climate (building, weather, etc.)
·       Plant loops & equipment (capacity, flows, etc.)
·       System summary (space loads & ventilation)
·       System loads (detailed loads breakdown, coil capacities, airflows, engineering checks, etc.)
·       Zone Loads (same as for System)
·       Room Loads (same as for Zones)
·       VE2016 System Sizing reports
·       ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation (App. A method)
Figure 6 - 20 : Generate system loads and sizing reports dialog with options for setting relevant peaks
The project and climate report provides top-level data regarding the building geometry, site, climate, design weather, loads conditions, and overall building loads.
Figure 6 - 21 : Project and climate PDF report for an example project
Plant Loops and Equipment report provides all essential data regarding HVAC plant water loops and the equipment serving the loads on those loops. Data reported for plant loops includes:
·       Chilled Water Loop(s)
o   Cooling capacity
o   Primary design flow rate
o   Primary pump power
o   Secondary design flow rate
o   Secondary pump power
o   Condenser loop design capacity
o   Condenser loop design flow rate
o   Condenser loop pump power
o   Pre-cooling loop capacity
o   Chillers/cooling equipment capacities
·       Hot Water Loop(s)   > same as for CHWL, plus…
o   Pre-heating equipment capacities
o   CHR capacity as % CWL
o   CHR WWHP capacity as % CWL
o   AWHP capacity
o   CHP thermal capacity
o   Boilers /heating equipment capacities
·       Heat Transfer Loop(s)   > same as for HWL, plus…
o   Heat acquisition equipment capacities
o   Water-source heat exchanger Heating/Cooling capacity
o   Heating equipment capacity
o   Heat rejection equipment capacity
Figure 6 - 22 : Plant loops and equipment PDF report for a chilled water and hot water loop
Space Loads and Ventilation report summarizes the design loads, heating and cooling airflows, and ventilation for each system, the zones it serves, and the rooms within each zone.   The report includes s ystem peak coincident cooling and heating loads and airflows for conditioned spaces, zone and room non-coincident peak loads and design primary airflows, and outside air ventilation.
Figure 6 - 19 : Space loads and ventilation PDF report showing multiple zones and spaces
System, Zone, and Room Loads reports provide a comprehensive set of loads data with respect to space geometry, envelope gains/losses, internal gains/losses, mechanical gains/losses, contribution of those to coil loads, plus coil sizing, system and room air temperatures, airflow rates, ventilation requirements, and engineering checks.
System, zone, and room loads report include:
·       Detailed breakdown of loads at the time
of the selected relevant cooling and
heating coil peaks and the zone peak:
o   Envelope gains/losses
o   Internal building gains/losses
o   Internal gains
o   Mechanical system gains/losses
·       Capacities and sizing conditions for all cooling and heating coils and room units
·       Summary of surface and glazing areas for conditioned spaces.
·       Temperatures for supply air, room vs. setpoints, return plenums, etc.
·       Airflows: supply design/actual, ventilation req./actual, leakage, exhaust, return, etc.
·       Engineering checks
Many report parameters have been added, as compared to the previous HTML system sizing reports. There is a new report generator engine to support the new parameters and to improve the robustness of the reports.
As the reports are generated via Python scripts, all reporting can be automated through scripting and ultimately it is possible for user to script the writing of report values to custom spreadsheets and other user-defined formats.
Figure 6 - 20 : System loads PDF report for a variable air volume air handling unit served by a chilled water and hot water loop, including terminal units with hot water reheat