
Lisi - Overview



Running the software
Whenever the software starts, it will automatically create a new design scenario, with default values set. The new design can be adjusted and assessed in the specifying and analysing design parameters dialogue, which appears automatically.
Please note that you can press F1 at any time to obtain on-line help.
Assess New Lift Arrangements
The property sheet entitled “Specifying and analysing design parameters” appears whenever you start Lisi or you create a new file. This property sheet contains 4 tabbed dialogues:
·       Floor Data
·       Design Assessment
·       Solutions
·       Results Output
Please work your way through these dialogues in the order shown. This process allows you to carry out a complete analysis of possible design for lift arrangements. Unless you choose otherwise, the simulation data will also be generated for you, in accordance with the new design.
After assessing the new lift arrangements, then you can carry out a lift simulation.
Please note that you can press F1 in any dialogue to obtain help on the currently selected data item.
Carry out a Lift Simulation
After you specify a new lift arrangement, or load a previously stored *.lft file, then you can carry out a lift simulation.
You should check the data in the following items in the ‘Data’ menu:
·       Building
·       Lift Simulation Data
·       Simulation Periods
When you have checked the simulation data, you can use any of the following ‘Simulation’ menu items to control the simulation:
·       Begin
·       Pause
·       Stop
Figure 1: The main Lisi simulation window