
LightPro (Electric Lighting)

This section allows lighting data (mostly but not all artificial lighting) to be assigned to templates used by programs within the <VE> Lighting section: LightPro, FlucsPro, FlucsDL and IES-Radiance.
Lighting General
Illuminance Level
This is the standard maintained illuminance to be provided on the working plane. Recommended illuminance levels are included in Part 2 of the CIBSE Interior Lighting Code.
Limiting Glare Index
If you enter a value for the limiting glare index then the program will perform a glare check, provided that glare data exists for the luminaire. Recommended values for limiting glare index may be found in the CIBSE Interior Lighting Code.
Working Surface Height
The working surface height is the level of the illuminated plane.
Mounting Height
This is the vertical distance between a luminaire and the working plane.
Luminaire Maintenance Factor (LMF)
The lumen output from a luminaire decreases with time because of dirt deposition on and in the luminaire. The luminaire maintenance factor quantifies this decline, being a proportion of the initial light output from the luminaire that occurs after a set time, allowance having been made for the decline in light output from the lamp.
Room Surface Maintenance Factor (RSMF)
The room surface maintenance factor is the proportion of the illuminance provided by the lighting installation in a room, after a set time, compared with that which occurred when the room was clean. Allowance is made for the depreciation in lumen output of lamps and the effect of dirt deposition on the luminaires.
Lamp-Lumen Maintenance Factor (LLMF)
This category is used to assess the depreciation in light output from the lamp over a given time. This has a two-fold functionality. Either the LLMF can be obtained from the curve using the replacement period which can be defined or by entering the LLMF itself as a value no greater than 1 by unticking the box in this section.
Lamp Survival Factor (LSF)
This category is used to assess the proportion of lamps that have not failed after a set time. This has a two-fold functionality. Either the LSF can be obtained from the curve using the replacement period which can be defined or by entering the LSF itself as a value no greater than 1 by unticking the box in this section.
Lamp-survival factors may be obtained from manufacturers’ data. Typical lamp survival factors are shown in the CIBSE Code for Interior Lighting.
False ceiling active
This is used to decide whether to model an extra false ceiling in a FlucsPro/DL analysis. If you require a false ceiling to be modelled, and it is not already part of your VE model, tick this box.
False ceiling height
If an extra false ceiling is to be modeled, enter its required height above the floor.
False ceiling reflectance (%)
If an extra false ceiling is to be modeled, enter its required reflectance value.
Lighting Luminaires
This contains controls for setting luminaire, lamp and lamp colour combinations. The Select button opens the Light Fitting dialogue box. You can only select data which is held in the system database or has from a custom database which has had its path already defined within the lighting program which will be used. See the Lighting user guides for more information.
The Light Fitting dialogue box contains three list boxes for the selection of luminaires, lamps and lamp colours:
·       Luminaire - used to select the required luminaire.
·       Lamp - used to select the required lamp.
·       Lamp Colour - used to select the required lamp colour.
The lists are linked so that only valid lamps are listed for the currently selected luminaire and similarly only valid lamp colours are listed for the selected lamp. After modifying the light fitting settings, click on Save to update the settings or Cancel to keep the current settings.