
Interface Basics

By default, the Start Page will be displayed when the VE is first opened (the IES Online section will be active), when the Open Project… menu-item or toolbar button is selected (the Open Project section will be active) or when the New Project menu-item or toolbar button is selected (the New Project section will be active).
An example of the overall layout is shown below, in this case with IES Online as the active section:
The different parts of the Start Page interface are outlined below:
1.       The arrow next to the VE logo provides a quick method of closing the Start Page and returning to the main VE interface.
2.       The different sections of the Start Page are selected here – IES Online, Open Project, New Project. and About. The currently active section is highlighted.
3.       The bottom-left area will list up to 5 pinned Location & Weather presetsLocation & Weather presets - by default these will be 5 for the IES sales region derived from your PC’s current locale settings. If there is a project currently open with a preset applied, this preset will be listed with a tick next to it – otherwise it will indicate Custom Location & Weather settings used.
4.       This provides a shortcut to open the main VE Properties window, allowing you to configure which Start Page section should be displayed when the VE is opened, when Open Project… is selected or when New Project… is selected.
5.       The right-hand area of the Start Page window displays content appropriate to the currently active section (see #2 above). The content for each section is detailed in subsequent documents.