
Importing Parameter Rules and Variables

Part 1: Importing Parameter Rules and Variables into Parametric
Import the Apache Simulation under analysis
Within the Parametric Tool, the user can import the parameters and variables by Clicking on File -> Import Parameters and Variables. The parameters and variables will be imported without any further dialogue prompting.
Note that the selected imported files must be the ones created for the current APR file.
Part 2: Running simulations within Parametric
Once the parameter and variables have been imported, a list of simulation to be executed will be displayed under the ‘Simulation’ dialogue.
The ‘Lower’, ‘Upper’ and ‘Steps’ values are predefined in the Elements tool whilst ‘Simulation’ states the number of simulation that will be performed for the parameter.
Clicking on “Start” will initiate the simulation.
The simulation can be cancelled at any moment by clicking on “Cancel”.
Once the simulation have been completed, the results can be viewed under the “Results” dialogue.
The results can be exported into an excel sheet by clicking on “Export”