
Elements - Defining Parameter Rules and Variables

As stated earlier, the definition of the target rules (input parameters) and variables (results outputs) can be facilitated through Elements using the following steps:
Part 1: Defining Rules within Elements
Select the Apache Input file (APR) of the model under analysis.
To define a Target Parameter, the user should work within the Rule tab. To add a target parameter, click on the Add symbol as illustrated.
Once a rule has been added, the rule type can be defined.
For illustration, Room Heating Set point will be selected.
Once the rule type has been defined, the user will be required to state the parameter range of the rule such as the lower and upper bounds as well as the number of steps.
The user will also have the option to either group the rooms and combine them into one parameter or generate one parameter for each room.
Part 2: Defining Variables within Elements
Once the target parameters have been defined, the output variables can be selected within the Variables tab.
Model and Room Level variables are available for selection
By clicking on a variable, the user is presented with set of output options available for selection etc. Total, Maximum.
Once the Rules and Variables have been defined, the user is required to “Start” the facilitation process and then “Save” the project to import it into the batch tool.
Note that the project file containing the parameters and parameters is saved automatically in the Apache input file root directory.