

The fuel supplying the heating system. This setting is used to total fuel consumptions and determine carbon emissions.
Seasonal efficiency
The seasonal efficiency of the boiler or other heat source.
Is it a heat pump?
Tick this box is heat is supplied by a heat pump (applies to UK NCM only).
Delivery efficiency
The efficiency of heat delivery to the room from the system.
The seasonal coefficient of performance of the entire heating system.
Heat Recovery
Ventilation heat recovery effectiveness
The effectiveness of a generic sensible heat recovery device. If the recovery effectiveness is set to zero no heat is recovered. The magnitude of the heat recovery is established from the system air flow rate and the heat recovery return air temperature.
Heat recovery return air temperature
The return air temperature for the heat recovery device.
Is this heat source used in conjunction with CHP?
Tick this box to specify that the system can receive heat input from the building’s CHP or CHCP (tri-generation) plant, if it has one (see Section 7). If no CH(C)P has been defined for the building, this setting is ignored. CH(C) is also ignored for Loads analyses.
What ranking does this heat source have after the CH(C)P plant?
If there is a CH(C)P system, the boiler ranking defines the sequence in which different heating systems will be switched in to make up any shortfall in the heat provided by the CHP system. Boilers with low boiler ranking will be switched on first. These will normally be the most efficient. Where two boilers have the same boiler ranking the CHP plant will contribute the same fraction of the heating load for both systems.