

Cooling/ventilation mechanism
The mechanism for cooling and ventilation. Select Air conditioning, Mechanical ventilation or Natural ventilation. This setting determines the options available for the calculation of auxiliary energy, and categorizes the system for UK compliance and certification. When Mechanical Ventilation is selected, the rooms receiving mechanical ventilation should be indicated at room level on the Space Data System tab, under the heading ‘Ventilation & exhaust’.
The fuel supplying the cooling system – most commonly electricity. This setting is used to total fuel consumptions and determine carbon emissions.
Nominal EER
The Energy Efficiency Ratio of the chiller or other cooling source generator under rated conditions (applies to UK NCM only).
Seasonal EER
The seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio of the chiller or other cold source generator.
Delivery efficiency
Efficiency of delivering the cooling energy to the room
The system seasonal energy efficiency ratio of the chiller or other cold source generator plus the heat rejection pumps and fans.
Absorption chiller
Tick this box if the cooling source is an absorption chiller. In this case the chiller will be assumed to take heat from the heating system. This may in turn be supplied by heat from the CHP plant.
When a system has the cooling/ventilation mechanism set to air conditioning the option to define an absorption chiller is available on the cooling tab. When this is selected the heating tab gives the option to define a CHCP system.
Changeover Mixed Mode free cooling mechanism
This parameter is only required for UK regulations compliance and certification. For a changeover mixed mode system, indicate whether the free cooling is achieved by natural or mechanical ventilation. If the system is not a changeover mixed mode system, use the setting ‘Not a CMM system’.
Heat rejection
Pump & fan power (% of rejected heat)
Heat rejection pump and fan power, expressed as a percentage of heat rejected by the chiller.