
Exporting Template Data

If you want to export all the columns currently in use in the active tab group, you can either:
Select the To File… or To Clipboard item from the Export sub-menu of the Tabular BTM File menu.
Select the Export to file… or Copy to clipboard item from the side panel.
Alternatively, if you only want to export the columns in the current tab (not all tabs in the group):
Select the Copy All Data in Current Tab item from the Tabular BTM Edit menu. Note that this approach always copies data to the clipboard.
If you have selected to export the data to a file, you will be prompted to select the location to save the file to:
The export process will then begin – a progress window will be displayed if the output process takes more than a second or so, allowing you to get an estimate of how much time the export is likely to take as well as allowing you to cancel the export:
Once the progress window completes, your output is then ready to be opened or pasted. The following example shows the result of opening the data in Microsoft Excel:
Keywords in Data Output
Various template attributes in the Virtual Environment need to reflect special flags as well as just their value. In order to correctly maintain these in output, the Tabular BTM includes keywords in the data where they are needed.
The following keywords are currently recognized:
<main system>
Supported on the Aux. Vent System and DHW System columns.
Indicates that the relevant system will match that set for the System column.
<heating profile>
Supported on the Plant Profile column.
Indicates that the Plant Profile will match that set for the Heating Profile.
<cooling profile>
Supported on the Plant Profile column.
Indicates that the Plant Profile will match that set for the Cooling Profile.
When a keyword is defined in a cell, any other value in the cell is disregarded during the import process. However, the export process does include the value alongside the keyword for informative purposes. So, the effect of applying the following would be the same in all cases:
-          100 <main system>
-          1000000000 < main system>
-          Random < main system>
-          < main system>
In all four cases above, the “Use Main System” flag would be set for the value and whatever value was defined in the template would be used.
Note that if you assign a keyword to a cell when its column does not support that keyword, it will be flagged as an error at the end of the import process (except for a column such as Template Name, which will accept any text input).