
Evaporative Cooling (Indirect)

Figure 87 - Evaporative Cooling (Indirect) Input Dialog
Input Summary:
·       Type: The type of evaporative cooler. For Indirect or Direct evaporative coolers, specify the indirect and direct portions as two separate devices.
·       Effectiveness: The effectiveness of the evaporative cooler. The leaving air temperature will be the entering temperature minus the difference between the entering dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures multiplied by the effectiveness, Tout = Tdb - (Tdb - Twb) x Eff.
·       Pump Power (Watts): Power consumption by the evaporative cooler water pumping.
·       (Indirect) Effectiveness (dewpoint): The effectiveness of the evaporative cooler based on dewpoint depression. This field is an optional input that determines the maximum leaving air temperature based on dewpoint depression rather than wet-bulb depression. The leaving air temperature calculated with the DewPtEff will be the entering temperature minus the difference between the entering dry-bulb and dewpoint temperatures multiplied by the effectiveness, Tout = Tdb - (Tdb - Tdp) x Eff. The actual leaving temperature will be the warmer of the two temperatures calculated from the wet-bulb and dewpoint effectiveness values.
·       Secondary Fan Flow Rate (cfm): The flow rate of any integrated fan providing air to the secondary (wet) side of the indirect evaporative cooler.
·       Secondary Fan Total Efficiency: The overall efficiency of any integrated fan providing air to the secondary (wet) side of the indirect evaporative cooler. This efficiency includes that of the fan, motor and drive.
·       Secondary Fan Static Pressure (inches H2O): The total static pressure of any integrated fan providing air to the secondary (wet) side of the indirect evaporative cooler.
·       Air Source: The primary source of air supplied to the secondary (wet) side of the indirect evaporative cooler. If RETURN is selected and there the air system return air cannot meet the airflow desired by the evaporative cooler, the difference will be made up using outdoor air.