
Editing an Opaque Project Construction

This dialog appears when an opaque project construction is selected for editing by means of a double click or the Edit selected construction icon. It displays the properties of an opaque construction and allows them to be edited. The dialog includes tabbed sections containing the various settings for the construction. Note: The Functional Settings and Frame tabs are only displayed if they have relevant data for the category of construction being displayed:
Figure 7 Opaque construction
The fields and buttons displayed on the dialog are described below. Fields appearing on a white background are editable. When setting this data it is important to understand the conventions applied to the orientation of constructions and the ordering of their layers, which are described in the section headed Construction orientation.
Description: a description of the construction in words.
ID: a unique identifier assigned to the construction when it is created.
External: Shows the colour used by Radiance for the internal surface when this construction is assigned. When clicked, displays a colour picker allowing the assigned colour to be changed.
Internal: Shows the colour used by Radiance for the internal surface when this construction is assigned. When clicked, displays a colour picker allowing the assigned colour to be changed.
Performance: The type of U-value calculation used (CIBSE, EN-ISO or ASHRAE). Note that the EN-ISO method does not take account of the entered values for emissivity, surface resistance or wind exposure.
U-value:  the U-value of the construction, calculated by the selected method.
Thickness (non-editable): the thickness of the construction, calculated as the sum of the layer thicknesses. This is used in the setting of room inner volumes and surface areas in rooms for which the Inner Volume flag is turned on.
Thermal mass Cm (non-editable): the thermal capacity per unit area and temperature rise.
Total R-value (non-editable): total resistance of all layers (does not include inside and outside surface resistances)
Mass (non-editable): the area density of the construction, mass per unit area, calculated from the densities and thicknesses of the construction layers.
Weight category: a field describing the Thermal mass Cm above:
·       Very lightweight – thermal mass less than 95 kJ/m2K
·       Lightweight – thermal mass less than 137.5 kJ/m2K
·       Mediumweight – thermal mass less than 212.5 kJ/m2K
·       Heavyweight – thermal mass less than 315 kJ/m2K
·       Very heavyweight – thermal mass greater than or equal to 315 kJ/m2K