
Edit Heights & Create Roof

Edit Element Heights
(“Edit” Þ ”Selection Set” Þ “Element Heights”)
Use this command to modify ceiling, floor and opening heights for the selected objects. Pops-up the following window:
From the top list, select the element type you wish to modify - “Floors/Ceilings”, “Windows”, “Doors”. The list box displays a list of selected element heights throughout the set of selected spaces. Notice that as you select each height in the list, the edges of all elements at this height are highlighted and a bounding frame is displayed around the highlighted edges. Select the height you wish to modify from the “Heights” list, enter the new height in the “Change To” box, and click on the “Change” button.
If “Dependent” Mode is used in the case of ceilings and floors (the mode selection is disabled when modifying window or door heights), the spaces above will shift up or down accordingly (i.e. the total height of the building will change). If “Independent” Mode is used, the location of the adjacent spaces above will remain static, and so the adjacent spaces above will shrink or grow in height (i.e. the total height of the building will remain static).
It is usually easier to see the various element heights if you select an Axonometric view in the active model window before using the "Set Element Heights".
Create Roof
This opens the following window which can be used to generate a basic roof space:
Creates a pitched roof over the selected space(s) with the defined characteristics i.e. "Slope" and "Overlap", provided other conditions are met e.g. non-interpenetration.
Non-hip roof
Hip roof
We have found that better results can be obtained by drawing a temporary space on top of the building and generating the roof on that “clean” space.  Then delete the temporary space and move the roof down to meet the building.
Refresh Display
In order to cut down on the time spent refreshing the display, particularly as models get larger and more complex; ModelIT has a minimal approach to refreshing the display. This button provides you with this function.
("Edit" Þ "Delete")
Use this command to delete the selected objects. If you delete an object by mistake, use the "Undo" option to retrieve the object(s).