
Data Input & Data Review


Data Input

All input is checked against Warning and Error limits. Warning limits are intended to alert you to the fact that a value may be wrong; these checks may be skipped. Error limits, however, are
intended to stop you entering dangerous values, such as a luminaire-mounting height of less than 0.0; these checks cannot be skipped and flagged data must be re-entered. The input data required by the program comprises:
·       Room design details
·       Room analysis details
·       Luminaire positions
·       Window positions
·       Luminaire data
·       Lamp data
·       LLMF data
The luminaire, lamp and LLMF data are stored in a common database that is split into two parts, one of which is your own user database to which you may add luminaires, lamps or LLMF curves which you may edit or change. The second part is the system database that will contain most of the commonly used luminaires, lamps and LLMF curves, but you may not add to this database nor may you edit any part of it. Any changes or additions that are made to your user database will be stored together with your initials and the date on which they were done, so that if more than one person is using the same database it is possible to keep a log of when changes were made and by whom.
Room Analysis Details
The program requires the following Space Data:
·       Project title
·       Room dimensions
·       Surface reflectances
·       Calculation criteria
·       Task areas
·       Partitions
·       Boxes
Many of the items of data have default values so that if you do not enter a value the default is automatically used.
If a value of zero is entered for the room height, the area is assumed to be an external area, such as a car park.
Luminaire Positions
The following data are required for each luminaire position:
·       Luminaire, lamp and lamp-colour references.
·       Position of centre of luminaire (3 co-ordinates).
·       Position of centre of beam (3 co-ordinates).
·       Rotation angle.
·       Luminaire-maintenance factor and lamp-replacement period.
The X,Y,Z Cartesian-coordinate system is used for the luminaire and beam positions, where X represents the position in the room length, Y the position in the width and Z in the height.
Window Positions
The following data are required for each luminaire position:
·       Wall number in which the window is situated.
·       Window width and height.
·       Window position.
·       Light-transmission factor.
Luminaire Data
The following data can be stored in the luminaire database:
·       Luminaire reference, title, category and type.
·       Luminaire width and standard length.
·       Light output and spacing-to-height ratios.
·       Utilisation factors.
·       Uncorrected-glare indices.
·       Polar curves.
·       Valid lamps, including lengths, wattages and luminous areas.
Not all of this data is necessary. For example the polar-curve data is not needed for the design calculations and the uncorrected indices are not needed for the analysis. However, you may wish to enter all the available information while you have it to hand. If the data required for a specific calculation is not entered, the program will terminate the calculations.
The program has an additional facility which is useful if you do not wish to enter the full information for a particular luminaire. You are allowed to enter 'one-off' data which is the minimum amount of data required to perform the calculations and which is quick and easy to enter. The one-off data is not stored in the database and is only used for the run in which it is entered.
Lamp Data
The following data can be stored in the lamp database:
·       Lamp reference, title and category.
·       Valid-lamp colours, including initial bare-lamp output and LLMF-curve reference.
·       LLMF curves and LSF curves.
As with the luminaire database, the program allows you to enter 'one-off' data.

Data Review

When you select Review from the top-bar menu you will be presented with a further choice:
Review Input Data
You will be presented with a menu of all the types of input data (apart from Luminaire Data, Lamp Data and LLMF Data which are database input data). If you select one of these, the relevant data file will be displayed in an easily understood format, unless it has not yet been entered or still has errors, when an appropriate message will appear instead.
Review Results
This will allow you to review the results of the calculations, if they have been carried out. There are the main options:
·       Review lighting-design layout.
·       Review electric lighting level.
·       Review daylighting levels.
·       Review electric daylighting levels.
·       Review Database.
This will allow you to examine selected items or list all items from the system or user database. The first three options allow you to select a luminaire, lamp, or LLMF curve, respectively, and view the data for that item. The last three options allow you to list the names and descriptions of all the luminaires, lamps, or LLMF curves, respectively, in the system or user database or both. For luminaires and lamps you can also list all items of a particular category or from a particular manufacturer.