
Calculations, Ouput & Utilites

Database Calculations
The calculations within the database are performed using the basic polar-curve data. The following calculation options are available:
a)     Light-Output Ratios and Spacing-to-Height Ratios
b)     Utilisation Factors
c)     Glare Data
d)     Aspect Factors
e)     BZ-Classification
f)      LG3 Checks
g)     Special Calculations ON/OFF
If required, the calculation results for options (a), (b) and/or (c) can be stored in the database as well as being output in the usual way.
Design Calculations
The design calculations are based on the assumption that the room is rectangular and all the luminaires are all of the same type and are mounted in a symmetrical layout at the same height. A number of design options are provided:
·       Set limiting glare index.
·       Fix spacing and offset in length.
·       Fix spacing and offset in width.
·       Try all valid lamps for the chosen luminaire.
Each solution will be checked against the following criteria:
·       Illumination is between 80% and 150%.
·       Maximum corrected-glare index is less than the limiting-glare index.
·       The luminaires will fit into the room.
·       The spacing between the luminaires does not exceed the maximum spacing-to-height ratio.
·       The offset from the wall to the first luminaire does not exceed half the maximum spacing-to-height ratio.
Point-by-Point Analysis Calculations
The following different calculations can be performed:
·       Electric-lighting calculations.
·       Daylighting calculations.
·       Electric Daylighting.
A point-by-point method is used for both the electric and daylighting calculations, the grid size for which can be set. Electric-and-daylighting calculations can be performed after being supplied with an outdoor horizontal-illumination level and all luminaires fully on.


Database Calculations Output
All results can be viewed on the screen and you can also select which results you wish to be sent to the output file. The following options are available:
·       Light-output ratios and spacing-to-height ratios
·       Utilisation factors
·       Glare data
·       Aspect factors
·       BZ-classification
·       LG3 Checks
·       Special Calculations ON/OFF
The polar-curve data used to calculate the various parameters will also be printed.
Note that if you want to store the calculated LORs, SHRs, UFs and glare data in the database you can do so.
Design Calculations Output
All results can be viewed at the screen and any result that you wish to keep may be printed in the output file. If you wish, you may view more detailed results at the screen, which can be useful when determining why a particular scheme has failed.
Output from the design calculations includes the following:
·       Input data.
·       Utilisation factor.
·       Number of luminaires in length and width.
·       Valid orientations for luminaires.
·       Total electrical load.
·       Average design illuminance.
·       Maximum corrected-glare index.
With the FLUCS program it is possible to design a lighting system, choose a solution and then analyse this in more detail using the analysis calculations. This is done during the design process by creating data for the analysis (one of the output options).
Point-by-Point Analysis Output
All output includes a reproduction of the input data for reference. In addition the following output can be selected:
·       Output for Electric-Lighting Calculations:
o   Minimum, maximum and average illumination levels.
o   Average internally reflected component.
o   Total wattage and wattage per square metre.
o   Wattage per square metre per 1000 lumens.
o   Effective utilisation factor.
o   Isolux plot (either text or graphical).
o   Table of illumination data.
·       Output for Daylighting Calculations:
o   Minimum, maximum and average daylighting factors.
o   Average internally reflected component.
o   Isolux plot (either text or graphical).
o   Table of daylight factors.
·       Output for Electric-and-Daylighting Calculations:
o   Minimum, maximum and average illumination levels.
o   Average internally reflected component.
o   Total wattage and wattage per square metre.
o   Wattage per square metre per 1000 lumens.
o   Effective utilisation factor.
o   Isolux plot (2-dimensional or 3-dimensional).


Database Import and Export
This database utility is taken from the Database option in the top-bar menu, and is used for quick manipulation of the database. The following options are available:
·       Save luminaire.
·       Read CIBSE-Format File.
·       Write CIBSE-Format File.
·       Read IESNA-Format File.
·       Write IESNA-Format File.
·       Read ASCII-Format File.
·       Write ASCII-Format File.
·       Read luminaire data from hardware.
The last three options are for specialist users only.
Edit Database
The program allows you to edit, copy, or delete items in the luminaire, lamp or LLMF curve databases, by selecting Edit Database from the Database option in the top-bar menu.