
Data for Part L2

Elemental Heating Systems
This tab deals with data describing the building’s heating systems for the purpose of the L2 Elemental Method.
Note that if the Whole-building (Office) Method is being applied, the heating system data must be re-entered in a different format under the tabs labelled ‘Office CPR…’
Heating Systems
This list-box displays a list of heating systems serving the building. Add to the list using the ‘Add’ button and remove a system by highlighting it and clicking on ‘Remove’. Highlight a system to display or edit its data in the boxes appearing beneath.
An editable description of the selected system.
The fuel supplying the heating system. Select a fuel from the list. This will affect the calculated carbon intensities.
Percentage of total building heating at maximum heat output (%)
If there is just one heating system, enter 100%. If there is more than one, enter the percentage of the total heat output to the building that is supplied by the selected system when the building heating load is at its maximum. (Note: heating systems are treated in terms of heat output for the L2 Elemental Method, but in terms of heat input for the methods based on Carbon Performance Rating.)
Gross heating system efficiency at maximum heat output (%)
Enter the gross efficiency of the selected system (kWh of heat per kWh of delivered fuel) when the building heating load is at its maximum.
Percentage of total building heating at 30% maximum heat output (%)
If there is just one heating system, enter 100%. If there is more than one, enter the percentage of the total heat output to the building that is supplied by the selected system when the building heating load is at 30% of its maximum.
Gross heating system efficiency at 30% maximum heat output (%)
Enter the gross efficiency of the selected system (kWh of heat per kWh of delivered fuel) when the building heating load is at 30% of its maximum.
Combined heat and power?
Tick this box if the selected system is a combined heat and power (CHP) system.
CHP heat to power ratio
If the system is a CHP system enter its heat to power ratio (kWh of useful heat produced per kWh of electricity output). This is equivalent to the ratio of the thermal and power efficiencies of the CHP unit.
Carbon intensities at maximum heat output (kgC/kWh)
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required carbon intensities of the combined heating systems working at their maximum heat output, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Elemental Method heating systems requirement (ADL2 paragraph 1.25a). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
Carbon intensities at 30% maximum heat output (kgC/kWh)
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required carbon intensities of the combined heating systems working at 30% of their maximum heat output, together with a ‘Required U-value adjustment factor’. This factor relates to an adjustment to the threshold on average building U-value set in the L2 Elemental Construction Trade-off Method (ADL2 paragraphs 1.14-1.16):
“In order to allow greater design flexibility, there can be a trade-off (in either direction) between the average U-value of the envelope and the carbon intensity of the heating system[s] provided that the rate of carbon emission is unchanged.” (ADL2 paragraph 1.32).
The Required U-value adjustment factor is the factor by which the required average building U-value is adjusted by the performance of the heating systems. A value less than one puts a more stringent requirement on average U-value.
Office CPR Nat Vent
This tab deals with areas of the building that are naturally ventilated and not served by mechanical ventilation or air conditioning. The data is only used by the L2 Whole-building Method as applied to offices. It is used to calculate a whole-building Carbon Performance Rating (CPR) which is compared with a required (target) value.
Are parts of the building naturally ventilated?
Tick this box if parts of the building are not served by mechanical ventilation or air conditioning.
System descriptions (Heating, Heating Distribution and Lighting)
These sub-tabs deal with systems serving the naturally ventilated area.
Within each tab the following data must be entered:
Installed capacity (input rating) / treated floor area (W/m2)
The input rating for the equipment referred to, expressed per square metre of treated floor area. Treated floor area excludes plant rooms, service ducts, lift-wells etc. Process requirements – those relating to activities not typical of the office sector – should be excluded from the treated area, together with the plant capacity, or proportion of the plant capacity, that is provided to service those areas (ADL2 paragraph 1.60d).
Monitoring level
A category describing the extent to which facilities for monitoring and reporting are provided. Select from the list.
Plant maintenance features
Tick each plant maintenance feature that applies.
Or in the case of the Lighting tab, enter values specifying the percentage of the floor area benefiting from time-based lighting control, occupancy-based lighting control, daylight control or daylight availability.
Whole-building Method Office CPR
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required whole-building Carbon Performance Ratings of the mechanical ventilation system, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Whole-building Method mechanical ventilation system requirement (BRE Digest 457 page 5). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
Office CPR Mech Vent
This tab deals with systems providing mechanical ventilation only. The data is used by the L2 Elemental Method and the L2 Whole-building Method as applied to offices. In both cases the data is used to calculate a Carbon Performance Rating (CPR) which is compared with a required (target) value. In the case of the Elemental Method the CPR rating applies to the mechanical ventilation systems only. In the case of the Whole-building Method it includes the heating and lighting systems.
Is there a system providing mechanical ventilation only?
Tick this box if all or part of the building is served by such a system.
Is this a system alteration?
Tick this box if the proposed system is an alteration of an existing system. This may require a less stringent CPR value.
System descriptions (Heating, Heating Distribution, Lighting and Fans)
These sub-tabs deal with systems serving the mechanically ventilated area.
Within each tab the following data must be entered:
Installed capacity (input rating) / treated floor area (W/m2)
The input rating for the equipment referred to, expressed per square metre of treated floor area. Treated floor area excludes plant rooms, service ducts, lift-wells etc. Process requirements – those relating to activities not typical of the office sector – should be excluded from the treated area, together with the plant capacity, or proportion of the plant capacity, that is provided to service those areas (ADL2 paragraph 1.60d).
Monitoring level
A category describing the extent to which facilities for monitoring and reporting are provided. Select from the list.
Plant maintenance features
Tick each plant maintenance feature that applies.
Or in the case of the Lighting tab, enter values specifying the percentage of the floor area benefiting from time-based lighting control, occupancy-based lighting control, daylight control or daylight availability.
Elemental Method (MV-only) Office CPR
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required Carbon Performance Ratings of the mechanical ventilation systems, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Elemental Method mechanical ventilation systems requirement (ADL2 paragraphs G10-G12). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
Whole-building Method Office CPR
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required whole-building Carbon Performance Ratings of the mechanical ventilation system, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Whole-building Method mechanical ventilation system requirement (BRE Digest 457 page 6). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
Office CPR Air Cond
This tab deals with systems providing air conditioning. The data is used by the L2 Elemental Method and the L2 Whole-building Method as applied to offices. In both cases the data is used to calculate a Carbon Performance Rating (CPR) which is compared with a required (target) value. In the case of the Elemental Method the CPR rating applies to the air conditioning systems only. In the case of the Whole-building Method it includes the heating and lighting systems.
If both new air conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems are to be installed in a building, the system types and their treated areas should be dealt with separately and the appropriate CPR achieved for each (ADL2 paragraph 1.64). If the area served by a particular system is less than 200m2 it may be ignored for the purposes of the Whole-building Office Method (BRE Digest 457 page 3).
Is there a system providing air conditioning?
Tick this box if all or part of the building is served by such a system.
Is this a system alteration?
Tick this box if the proposed system is an alteration of an existing system. This may require a less stringent CPR value.
System descriptions (Heating, Heating Distribution, Lighting, Distribution Fans & Pumps and Refrigeration System)
These sub-tabs deal with systems serving the air conditioned area. The Heating, Heating Distribution and Lighting tabs apply only to the Whole-building (Office) Method.
Within each tab the following data must be entered:
Installed capacity (input rating) / treated floor area (W/m2)
The input rating for the equipment referred to, expressed per square metre of treated floor area. Treated floor area excludes plant rooms, service ducts, lift-wells etc. Process requirements – those relating to activities not typical of the office sector – should be excluded from the treated area, together with the plant capacity, or proportion of the plant capacity, that is provided to service those areas (ADL2 paragraph 1.60d).
Monitoring level
A category describing the extent to which facilities for monitoring and reporting are provided. Select from the list.
Plant maintenance features
Tick each plant maintenance feature that applies.
Or in the case of the Lighting tab, enter values specifying the percentage of the floor area benefiting from time-based lighting control, occupancy-based lighting control, daylight control or daylight availability.
Elemental Method (AC-only) Office CPR
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required Carbon Performance Ratings of the air conditioning system, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Elemental Method air conditioning systems requirement (ADL2 paragraphs G10-G12). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
Whole-building Method Office CPR
Beneath this label are displayed the calculated and required whole-building Carbon Performance Ratings of the air conditioning system, together with a PASS or FAIL indicator for the L2 Whole-building Method air conditioning system requirement (BRE Digest 457 page 7). To obtain a PASS, the calculated value must not exceed the required value.
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The database presents a list of entries each containing a complete set of building regulations Building and System Data. Its purpose is to provide a facility for storing data settings for later reuse.
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Selecting a database entry
Click on a database entry to select it.
Editing a database entry
The area on the right of the dialogue headed Building & System Data displays the data in the selected entry and allows you to edit it.
Save to database
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Copy to project
Copies the contents of the selected database entry to the project.
Copy from project
Copies the Building and System Data from the project to the selected database entry.
Creates a new database entry. The data is initialised with the data in the currently selected entry.
Removes the selected entry from the database.
Allows renaming of the selected entry. You can also rename an entry by double-clicking on its name.
Exits the database and saves any changes.
Exits the database without saving.
Exits the Building and System Data interface and retains the changes made.
Exits the Building and System Data interface and discards the changes made (with the exception of any edits saved to the database).