
Creating User Templates

You can create your own project templates containing custom profiles, thermal templates, constructions and so on – this will offer a quick method of pre-populating new projects with your own commonly-used data. Once created, these project templates will appear in the list alongside the IES-supplied templates.
To create a custom project template, set up a project containing all the data you want in the template using the various functionality available in the VE (e.g. Building Template Manager, ApPro, ApLocate, Construction Database) and save it. Once you have all the data ready, switch to the ModelIT view and select the File -> Export As -> Project Template (TPLX) menu-item:
The Export as Project Template window will be displayed. This allows you to specify the filename for the .tplx file that will be exported (.tplx is the project template file format), as well as an optional description and display name.
Note that you do not need to add the .tplx extension in the File name text box. By default, the file name will also be used as the display name (when viewed on the Start Page) but you can specify a custom display name if required:
Click OK to export the project template – it will be exported to the user templates directory on your PC (you can open this directory by clicking on the  icon). The project template will then be available on the Start Page, with the display name and description provided.