
Create From Project Template

The Create From Project Template sub-section can be used to create a new project that includes pre-defined thermal templates and profiles appropriate for different types of building.
The Project Template group will list all available project templates in its All Project Templates list – this will include IES-supplied project templates for different building types (e.g. Hotel, Office) appropriate to the current region (derived from your PC’s locale settings), and any user-created project templates (see below). You can view the IES-supplied templates for all regions by clicking the Show all regional templates checkbox at the top-right of the group.
Each project template will display an icon to indicate whether it is an IES-supplied template  or a user template .  The IES-supplied templates contain a description providing further details on what the template is for – this is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the item:
The All Project Templates list can be filtered using a text search in the field at the top-right of the list. For example, typing “sch” into the field displays only the presets that contain the string “sch” in their name:
You can also choose to “pin” commonly-used project templates – this means they will be displayed at the top of the group, in a separate Pinned Project Templates list. To pin a project template, hover over it in the All Project Templates list and click the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side (the pin is only displayed when you hover over the project template with the mouse pointer):
To un-pin a pinned template, click on the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side of it in the Pinned Project Templates list:
Only a single project template can be selected in the group. By default, no project template will be selected – this will be indicated by None in the title of the group, displayed in red. It is not possible to create a project until a project template has been selected – clicking the Create Project button at the bottom of the sub-section will display a balloon tip to indicate this.
Once a project template has been selected in the Project Template group and the appropriate options selected for Location & Weather and HVAC Methodology, the project can be created using the selected options by clicking the Create Project button – this will close the Start Page and any existing opened project (you will be prompted to save the existing project if necessary) and the project will be created. You can check Building Template Manager and ApPro to view the imported data.