
Creating a Daikin VRV System

The Daikin VRV Systems module is a component of ApacheSim. Once the plugin has been installed, an additional button appears at the bottom of the screen where the Loads, Dynamic Simulation and Batch Simulation buttons appear.
Before entering the module either one or more VRV systems should be created as Apache Systems. The number of systems to be created depends on the total building load.
Control Zones
2 Pipe Heat pump systems are not able to heat & cool simultaneously. Therefore in order to correctly simulate these systems, VE needs to know which mode the condenser is set to at any given time. In real life this is defined by load in a single area known as a “control zone”. A single zone needs to be defined as the master which controls the mode of all of the other fan coils attached to the same condenser. This can be set in the Apache Systems tab by selecting the drop down list to display all of the zones that are attached to that particular system
During the simulation, any zone that requires cooling when the master zone requires heating will not receive any space conditioning until the master zone changes to cooling and vice versa.
The resulting effect on comfort levels can be seen using range tests in Vista to see how zones outside of the master control zone compare against their setpoint.